Shinobi rule #04

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I stare at the blackboard and sigh writing down the shinobi rules.

Rule #1- a Shinobi/kunochi has no fear
Rule #2- do not get attached to clients
Rule #3- a team must consist of 3 or more Shinobi/kunochi unless instructed other wise
Rule #4~ "A mission always come first." Iruka read from his book, closing his book he turned to write it on the board.

"A shinobi/kunochi's mission always comes first, no matter what. When you become genin you will have a duty to your village, your client and your mission and you must comply to everything regarding it. A failed mission can mean you lose your rank because you are considered unfit." Iruka instructed us.

I frown, "Chouji stop eating else you will have to stay back!" Chouji continued munching away. "And wake Shikamaru up!" I nudge Shikamaru who groans and turns away.

"Shall we continue? Rule #25 a shinobi/kunochi must never...." Iruka looks up at the sound of snoring and sees both Shikamaru and Naruto asleep.

Deciding to go to Naruto first he storms up the steps after closing his book. When he reaches Naruto he raised his book, I go to cover my ears, but he relaxes and frowns dropping his arm.

Naruto sits up and looks at Iruka in confusion, "Hold up Sensei isn't it already time for class to be over?"

Iruka looked confused, I looked at the clock and frowned then looked outside. it's not even past 9 o'clock! Well on the clock it was but judging by the sun...

"What?" Iruka stared at Naruto who pointed to the clock.
"Just look see for yourself." Iruka turns to see it said 10.
"Oh I didn't realise it was so late." I face palm and slouch into my desk as he starts to walk to the front of the class room.

"Well then that's everything for today!" He turns and walks for the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

As soon as he left the class room Naruto starts laughing and runs to the front.
"Hehehe I knew he'd fall for that old trick that makes prank number three!" He cheers as he whined back the clock.
"I can't believe he fell for that!" I mutter.

Kiba laughs, "Ya what an idiot!"
But freezes as the door slides back open causing Naruto to gasp and fall of the desk he was standing on to reach the clock.

"Uh ya eh eh ah!" He fell with a thud as Iruka walked back into the classroom. "Hahaha boy that's smart! But how did you figure it out so quickly?" Iruka frowns at Naruto.

"Just return to your seat." he replied quickly and harshly. "and we will continue with the lesson." Naruto looked down and hurried back to his seat.

"KIBA, NARUTO, SHIKAMARU AND CHOUJI! You will be seeing me after school."Iruka announces.

Shikamaru looks to me, "Come break us out when you can..." I grin and nod.
"It will be as easy as mission impossible!"

"Alright everyone instead of just introducing yourselves I want each of you to demonstrate your skill with ninjutsu." Iruka announced.

"Huh?!" Everyone announced, except a selected few. I cross my arms, should be simple enough.
"Hahaha don't worry your not going to be graded on this. It's merely so I can assess where you are in your studies and plan how to proceed with our lessons." seems fair enough.

"Ok we will start of with the basic clone jutsu then, and the first up," he glanced at his board. "is Sasuke Uchiha, want to give it a shot?" I sigh as all the girls start to cheer.

"Using clone jutsu is even easier then child's play." his arrogance is annoying!
"Why do you always have to act so smug all the time? It's so annoying!" Naruto shouts out.

"Shut up you loser." Sasuke replies.
"Leave Sasuke alone you will break his concentration!"
I turn to Sakura, " On what! he hasn't even started yet!" She looks at me and sighs, "Masuyo you wouldn't understand!" I grumble and glare at the ground, "of course not, cause I don't like duck butt!"

"Ya that's right your just in the way loser!" Ino adds. Naruto starts to anime cry.
"Oh come on not you to Sakura!" I kick at the dirt and just watch from a safe distance.

"Ok Sasuke give it a try." Iruka encourages.
"Hn clone jutsu." Why do they at it out loud that will just give it away! It's not like screaming it out makes your jutsu stronger!

I see two poofs and clones apeared, but where is the really Sasuke? I glance around searching for his chakra and laugh when I see him in a tree.

"Wow." Iruka rest his hand on his hip.
"Amazing Sasuke it's a perfect clone!" Sakura cheered. "it's unreal! I can't tell which ones you and which ones the clone."

I grown, "there both clones Sakura!"
"Oh please it's totally obvious to me!" Naruto rushes in front of him, "this one!" He pulls back his leg and goes to kick 'Sasuke' but it's the clone.

"Wrong as usual." the other clone comments.
"Huh? What!?" Naruto looks at him confused.

"Block head back off that's the real one."
"Get away from him!" The girls shouted.

"It's another clone!" I try to tell them but nobody seems to care. "a ahh! Gahh!" Naruto kicks the other clone only for t to poof.

"Looks like you picked wrong again." the real Sasuke jumped down from the tree. "Oh Sasuke!" Sakura swooned.

"That's amazing, not just to clone one but for the real Sasuke moved away unseen. Good job Masuyo for seeing through it." he praised, I felt accomplished finally! Some recognition.

"So what! I can do clone jutsu too!" I sigh and cover my face in shame, this boy!
"Watch this! Clone jutsu!" Poof!

"Ah HAHAHAHAHA!" The kids start laughing as a demented clone pops up.
"That kid can't do anything right!" They all laugh.

Naruto groans and Sasuke walks up to him, "Listen I don't know what your problem is loser, but just stay away from me you got that!"

"All your doing is interrupting our lesson, you wasting the time of everyone here and becoming an annoyance." Shino adds, it is kinda true.

"What?" Naruto looks at him upset.
"He is right, but your not becoming an annoyance. That's all you have ever been or will be."

"Hey that's cruel hibachi, but sometimes the truth hurts."his friend crossed his arms adds.

"What?!" Naruto lashes out on them only to be stopped by Iruka.
"Ok listen up stop ganging up on Naruto!"

"Sensei!" Naruto breaks into a smile.
"Leave him alone. Just ignore him." Naruto's face falls as Iruka says this.

Iruka starts to walk away, "Alright everyone come on we still have a class to finish." he claps his hands moving us away.

"Hai Sensei!" We choirs.
"Come on."

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