Kiba and shikamaru

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I stood in the crowd of kids or classmates as we again took place in the sparring circle.

"Wakahisa Masuyo!" Iruka looked up from his clip board, I smirk and make my way to the white drawn circle. Finally time to do a bit of fighting a nee? But this time I won't get into trouble, I grin and salute Shikamaru who sighed and complained about my not so violent side.

"Amii!" I inwardly grin, I look up at her with my face showing no emotion. She gives me a menacing snarl and raises her hand in a spar sign.

I bring my two fingers into the spar sign not dropping them, she copied my glare but not as harsh as her eyes were already squinted shaped enough.... oooohhh do need some ice for that burn! I should probably say my insulates out loud next time.

I was soon brought out of my thoughts by Iruka's shouting, "Start!" Iruka swipes his hand and I drop to a crouch, not a very comfortable position to wait for someones attack but meh I'm flexible.

Amii gets into a fighting stance, I push myself of the ground using chakra in the soles of my feet and hands to get a faster push of. I was looking for a weakness.

"Wow! She is fast!" I hear gasps.

Amii smirks coyly and brings her fist back. I grit my teeth as I lean back and bring my leg up to kick her.

She moves her head to the right and goes to grab my foot. I growl as her fingers graze my ankle and I spin around on my hands springing back to my side of the circle.

Amii gets into a crouch and I copy, shooting foward I bring my hand back into a fist as she aims for my face. I grin as I see her shoulder hitches, found it, and grab it and upper cut sending her out of the circle.

"M-Masuyo wins..." Iruka clears his throat. "Now do the unison sign." I glance at him unsure if that such a good idea but I nod and walk to Amii as she staggers to her feet. I see her grind her teeth a blood tickles fown from the corner of her mouth.

I put my hands into the spar sign and go to grab her fingers. Her eyes glint and I frown. Her fingers rip away from mine an pull into a fist, not this again.

As fast as I could I lean to the left and I elbow her in the back and push her onto her stomach. I quickly sit down on her back and hold her arms behind her back. 

"Masuyo!" Amii struggles, and start turning her head trying to bite me.

"I didn't even see her move!" I glare down at Amii and put pressure down on her arm causing her to hiss. she was really starting to piss me of and I was tempted to break her arm, like seriously I didn't mean to make her face swollen....ok I did but she doesn't know that....ok maybe she does...oh who cares!

"Masyuo get of Amii!" I click my teeth in annoyance. I shove her arm painfully making her whimper as I got of and turn to walk away.

Iruka sighed in annoyance and wrote on the clip board. 

"Shikamaru Nara and Ch....oh you know what forget it." He turns and and twitched at Shikamaru as he goes to speak.

"Shikamaru Nara and Kiba Inzunaki!"

I watch in amusement as Shikamaru grumbles and walks to the circle. He won't drop this fight will he.

"COME ON SHIKAMARU! IF YOU BEAT KIBA ILL...." How do you motivate a Nara? He raised his eyebrow at me.

"ILL PLAY A GAME OF SHOGI WITH YOU!" He swayed and twitched, hook, line and sinker. I smirk as he puts his hand in his pockets and looks at Kiba in slight determination. 

"I'm going to beat your lazy ass!" Kiba smirks and I hear Akumaru yip from the top of his head.

"Kiba you can't have Akumaru in the spar!" Kiba nods sulking and puts Akumaru on the ground patting his head.

My eye twitched as Kiba looked my way and winked. Ya I got a reputation ever since I told Sasuke and Naruto of for annoying me.

"Masuyo I'll beat this Lazy ass for you!" Kiba pointed at me and I held my head in shame. "Then you will have to go out with me!" I looked at Shikamaru almost pleasing for him to beat Kiba.

"Hey you can't have Masuyo you still got I beat me!" A random voice shouts.

Anime tears pour down my face and Ino pats me on the back mumbling something about the attention that I get. 

"MASU-CHAN ILL PROTECT YOU!" I face palm maybe this is how Sasuke feels when the girls fawn over him.

I stay quiet twitching every now and then from the boys comments.

"Start!" Shikamaru stands there as Kiba charges at him, countinuiosly dodging Kiba as he goes to attack.

I rest my head in my palm as Shikamaru angers Kiba and tires him out. "People this may take awhile!" I an slump on to the ground and start playing in the dirt. 

"Masu-chan stand up and cheer on your friends!" Iruka lectures me.

"But anise I already know who is going to win they don't need my support."

His eye twitches, "then cheer on the loser." I nod and stand with a sigh.

"Go Kiba...uh...ya that's it....DONT BE DOG!" I cheer with all my enthusiasm.

Kiba flushes and goes to punch Shikamaru only to miss.

—2 minutes later—

Kiba falls to his knees panting, "Damn!" He snarls at Shikamaru. Shikamaru walks over to him slowly making sure he wouldn't lash out on him at the last second before kicking his foot out of bounds.

"Shikamaru wins!" Kiba gives a small smile and congratulates Shikamaru and they do the Unison sign.

Nobody held harsh feelings to each other this time and they did the sign without and complaints.

"That was so dog!" I mumble.

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