The detention bunch

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I press my back to the wall and crouch as I sneak across the academy grounds.
"Dun dun dun dana!" I whisper sang, I did a ninja roll and pretended to shoot at invisible ninjas.

I clutch the bag of chips I held and sneak up and glance through our classroom window. I see them all lined up at the front with Iruka making them do chakra exercises.

I grin and wait for Iruka to leave before sliding the window in and open it so they could see me. "Are you coming or what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

They sweat drop and I freeze as I feel a breath on my neck.
"Iruka-Sensei is behind me isn't he?" They nod and I sigh as I'm picked up.

"Masuyo you should know better!" I frown and cross my arms turning away.
"Ya what ever!" He sighs and rubs his face in annoyance.

"That's it! Masuyo you will be joining us!" Iruka snaps at me. I frown and whine looking at Shikamaru.
"Your dragged me into this look I'm in trouble now!" Shikamaru sighs.

"What a drag... Im sorry I guess Masuyo..." I giggle and say that it's ok and Chouji sighs in relief.

I scratch my cheek and turn to look at him. "I may have dropped your chips outside Chouji...hehehe." Chouji's eyes set ablaze. I flinch and laugh nervously.

"Y-you dropped the chips!" Iruka glared at us, "no talking!"

I laugh but other wise stay silent. Iruka turns away and I shake my hands and start doing random signs.

'How do you plan on getting us out hm?' I sign to Shikamaru who glance at my hands and shrugs rolling his shoulders as Iruka looks at us over his shoulders.

'When you hear Akamaru run towards the door and follow.' I sigh and nod, waiting and straining my ears to hear the young pup.

"Ok let's...." I freeze, "bark bark bark!" I grin as Iruka starts to turn around and bolt for the door following after Kiba and Shikamaru.

"Hurry up Naruto! Iruka-sensei is catching up!" Kiba yelled over his shoulder as I run past dragging poor Chouji with me.

"YOU FIVE GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" I laugh as Iruka comes sliding out of the class room and into the hall.
Turning a corner Iruka soon came around the corner and charging full speed eyes ablaze and it was kinda freaking me out

"The window!" Shikamaru called out, I glance to the side and see a window wide open.

Shikamaru made it first jumped out the window with one hand and flipping over. I drag Chouji to it and jump on the window sill and grab the tops sliding through leaving Choji struggle trying to get over. I'm such a bad friend.

Kiba jumped over him like leap frog when he was about to land Kiba pulled on Chouji's shirt and making him fall out the window and on to the ground. Naruto was last to escape and Iruka was catching up fast.

"GET BACK IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Iruka's hand was about to grab at Naruto's shoulder. But I grab his collar with Kiba and pulled him out of the way just in time. We ran to catch up to Shikamaru and Chouji who were ahead.

I laugh as I hear Iruka's annoyed shouts and stomping, throwing a tantrum.
"Quick everyone scatter." Shikamaru orders, I stand there not knowing what to do.
"MASUYO!" I look up to see Iruka.
"Troublesome girl." I hear Shikamaru mumble before he grabs my hand and starts running.

We all meet up at the park and Chouji comes bearing snacks!
"Chouji!" I jump at him and hug him thanking him for all those yummy snacks and sweets.

"Do you guys want to play?" I looked to Naruto as I was about to shove a mint in my mouth. Kiba jumps up and doing and Akumaru yips in agreement.

I stand and grin, "tag your it!" I tag him on the shoulder and run to a tree, hiding behind it.
I grin and laugh as Kiba trips trying to get away from him.

Naruto ran from Shikamaru who sat on the slide to me and Chouji who sat on the swings.
"Chouji to go higher you have to tuck your legs in and kick them out!" I told him cheerfully.

Kiba left a few minutes ago and it was starting to grow dark.
I grin as Naruto runs up to us again, "can we play again tommorow?" I laugh and choke out a maybe as he grins at me his smile was really contagious.

Some other little kids decided to play tag with Naruto as we took a break.
"Hahahah you can catch me!"
"Nah come back here!"

"Yuki time to go!" I turn as parents came up the stairs an Naruto came to a stop.
"Byichi dinner time!" I hear a dad shout to his child. The kids turn and grin at Naruto waving goodbye.

"Okay!" The kid ran up to his dad.
"Let's go home everyone." a mother came and gathered her kids and start to walk away.

"Mum!" The little girl shouted out grabbing on to her hand. I smile sadly and watch them leave.

"What do you think your doing? I told you not to play with that boy." I hear a mother scowled her child.

"Come on let's go." another said dragging her kid away. I sigh, "what rude people." I mutter.

I looked to Shikamaru who looks at Naruto with a frown that I soon copied. What's wrong with Naruto?

Naruto stands at the entrance and watched the kids walk away with there parents.

"Shikamaru come on let's go!" I looked at a man that soon came to the entrance.
"All right dad!" Shikamaru slides down the slide and I walk up to him.
"You to Chouji we said we'd walk you home. Let's go you two, lets move."

I wave as the run past to Shikamaru's dad, "see ya Naruto! Bye Masuyo!"
"Bye Chouji!"
"Later guys." Shikamaru waves and walks up to his dad.

"Ya bye." Naruto replies as they walk away. I walk and stand next to Naruto and watch them walk away.

"Dad let go of my hand." Shikamaru whined causing me to giggle and turn away.
"Heehe. What are you to embarrassed to be seen with your old man, with that girl watching?" He chuckles down at hi son who grumbled but doesn't reply.


Naruto and I both decide to walk home together and we were passing a lake. Naruto kept his head down but I turn and stared as I saw Sasuke on the dock.

Naruto turns and look and so does Sasuke. Naruto chokes as he was caught and I blush and turn away facing the path again and strt to speed away.

"Bye Naruto I'll see you tommorow!"

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