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I grin as I sat next Sakura tapping my pen in anticipation. "Students we will be testing you since it's your second Last day to see how far you have gotten." Iruka's announced.

I grin as butterflies erupt in my stomach and waited for instructions on what ninjutsu we will be doing. "First up... The written test!" I slowly got what his said and my face dropped and I heard Naruto slam his head on the table with me.

I run my fingers through my hair and grown, I suck at written test why couldn't I sit next to some one who would show me their work!

"ok students please move so your in alphabetical order." Standing up I moved to the back next to some random boy who was patiently waiting. HOW CAN YOU NOT STRESS OVER AN EXAM! I chewed at my nails, and looked around for shikamaru or Chouji hoping they were some where close only to find them at the front.

Shikamaru turned to me and chuckled at me and turned around. Ino leaned over the row so she could ask me something. "Are you ok?" I shook my head and slammed my head on the table causing the boy next to me full blown out laugh.

"I'm going to fail."


Iruka came around handing out the test while going over the rules.

"There will be no cheating, talking, sharing or any other method of getting answers else you will have to retake the test. Is that understood?" Iruka scanned the class room and smiled.

"Hai sensei!" We shouted. my eye twitched causing me to wring my hands and squirm.

I glare down at the paper, as Iruka came past me and gave it to me. "And start!" Grabbing my pencile I wrote my name up the top.

Looking at the first question I froze, 'what is the second hokage's name?' I slammed my head down. Why couldn't it be the first or the fourth! I can remember them cause they are hot!

Looking around I see everyone writing. I sigh and look to the person next to me.

We were doing a starting test to know what we knew. I look over the boy's shoulder scribbling what I saw before looking away as he turned to look at me.

I look back but he covers his test with his arm, I sigh in frustration before slowly rising up from my chair peaking at his test. He looks and glares at me. I slowly lower myself and glance at his paper every so often.

He flips it over next to him giving me a satisfied grin before continuing on. I glance at the teacher who watched in amusement as I put my head on my desk and squint at the paper on the table willing it to show me the answers.

I blow out and watch as the paper flips up... I grab my pen and scribble down another answer before doing it again. The boy notices and my cheeks tint pink as he puts it on his other side. 

I huff in annoyance and flip my pen of my desk. He glances at me and before continuing on, I slowly crawl under the table flicking it till I was near the boy's test paper. I slowly rise myself till I'm level with his test I flip it over scanning the test. I squeak as a hand slams on the test. 

I looked to the boy and sheepishly grin showing him my pen. I give a quick glance to the paper before crawling back to my seat and wrote down my new found information. I saw the Iruka-sensei raise his eyebrow and smirk at me.

I grin and write again, snap! I gasp as my pencil snaps and I raise it searching around quickly trying to find another I start flapping my arms in panic. I glance at the boy and steal his putting my foot in his face as he tried to grab it back. 

I scribble down an answer, "Time!" I gasp and continue franticly writing. "I said time put down your pencils!" I didn't listen, but he boy grabbed his pencil back and hit me away.

I grin as the Iruka comes to collect my paper. He looks down at me and smirks, "you will have to stay in to take the test again." my face drops and I slump in my seat as the boy next to me laughs his head of.

"You got to be kidding me..." I turn to the laughing boy and growled.

"why couldn't we just work together!" I threw my hands up in deafet and slumped further into my chair.

She is a fighter (naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now