Shuriken training

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We were doing shuriken training and stuff. Iruka looked at his clip board, he always has that thing now.

"Today we are hands on with shuriken jutsu." I sigh in annoyance and rock on my feet.
"First let's have someone demonstrate it for us." Iruka-Sensei looked around, "let's see...umm..." Naruto and Kiba started jumping up and down with their hands in the air shouting to be picked.

"To right here!"
"Me me me!"
"I can do it!"
"Give me one try!"
"Pick me!"

I held my head in slight frustration, I hate when they did this. Iruka looked over the class stopping at...
"Shino you go ahead."
Shino looked at him and replied, "Iruka-Sensei I'm afraid you have chosen the wrong person for this, the shuriken jutsu isn't something the my clan practises. For all forms of warfare we rely on the most exclusive unperistic insects." I gulp as I see bug start to crawl up his face.

"Creepy!" I mutter, a few girls nod in agreement.
"We house them inside our..." Iruka cuts him of.
"OK SHINO THATS ENOUGH! Come on Sasuke please just show us the basics."
Cue screaming Fangirls. "way to go Sasuke!"
"That's my Sasuke!"
"What a hunk!"

I twitch and grown slapping my forehead, "Shino why couldn't you just do it!" I whine to him.
"My clan..." I raise my hand.
"I know and it creeps me out."

Sasuke walks forward, and I move to stand next to Shikamaru and Chouji and see Naruto standing behind us complaining.
"He is such a show of. since when does being stuck up make you popular?" I twitch in annoyance. "Since girls thought it was cute for guys to play hard to get and dye there hair black." I mutter sarcastically.

I watch Sasuke trying to ignore Naruto, and watch as he pulls out six shuriken and holds them crossing his arms.

Shing wit thunk! In a quick fluid motion he throws them in a straight line on the post.
"Well done Sasuke!" Iruka praised him, "excellent example."

The girls start to swoon congratulating him and complimenting him.
"Tch stuck up and a show of. I can do that to if I wanted to ya know!" Naruto turned up his nose acting all cool.

Iruka turned to him, "All right, then I guess your up next Naruto!" Iruka gave a smirking grin and I push Naruto forward muttering about how this will be good.

Shikamaru hit me up the head. "troublesome girl..."
I grunt, "Stop saying that!"

Naruto walks forward across from Sasuke and the wooden pole.
"Sweet I'll show ya how it's done! Get ready to be amazed!"

Sasuke walks back and Naruto turns away grunting at him and walks on.
Naruto stops at a distance.

"Do you think he can actually do it?" I ask Chouji who shrugs and hands me a chip. I take it and thank him.

He takes out his shuriken and I frown at his stance, it's not the proper one or any advance one did he teach himself?

"Go!" He chucks them and I freak out as one hits the tree I was near, above my head. Iruka also froze as one landed next to him.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!" I scream and my fanboys came rushing to my aid.
"You almost hit Masu-chan!"
the ret of the class starts laughing.

"Hahaha what a joke that's the worst example I have ever seen!" Kiba laughs.
I frown as Naruto fakes a smile and laughs with them.
"Hahaha ya I was just fooling around you guys." everything goes silent.

"Sensei you just got to let me try one more time!" Naruto begged. "you just got to! I can do this!"
Iruka looks down at him and replies, "No that's enough. Ok which one of you wants to give it a shot next!"

I raise my hand and grin, "I do Sensei." Kiba grunts and nods raising his hand.

"Ok Masuyo you can have a go!" I grin and walk foward taking out a couple of shuriken. I go to throw them and...

Shing wat thing!

I grin and laugh in accomplishment as they all hit there target. "Beat that Sasuke your not the only one that can hit the targets!"
I laugh and my fanboys shout in amazement.

"Alright everyone list go in for lunch!"

I sat on the balcony of the Academy with the other students as they eat there lunch, I see Sakura walking around and go to call out to her, "Sa...."

She stood and looks over the railing and freezes, I lift my eyebrow in question, She freaks out and turns red running away. I frown, I was really hoping she would give me something to eat.

"Masu-chan?" I turn and see Ino being the sneaky ninja she is.
"Ya Ino?" She smiles and scratches her cheek... she is totally copying me!
"Do want to steal/borrow some lunches again today?" I smirk.

"I recon I can get a sushi roll before you!" She smirks.
"As if!" I jump on to the railing and run across it, jumping of and swiping at kids lunches.

I see Ino run around the corner and I steal a sandwhich she was holding and put it in my mouth grinning at her. I grab another sushi roll from a kid I pass as he talks to his friend.

Shikamaru and Chouji join in and I laugh as someone shouts as they realise ther lunch was taken.

I wait with Ino and hand over the lunch I took so she could share it out between us. I watch as Chouji eats the stuff he stole and Shikamaru slap him on the head.
"Chouji!" I whine

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