Chapter 2

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Years ago, a ten year old Devasena was taken to Mount Kailash to take the blessings of the divine couple - Shiva and Parvati. Devasena found the snowy peaks to be captivating, as she watched from her father's lap, seated upon Airavata, Indra's celestial elephant. When she met Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, she was awed by the pure majesty of the two gods as she greeted them. Devasena raised her head to see a handsome boy, the same age as her, hiding shyly behind his parents.

Indra, gave her a nudge and with a broad smile, said, "Go on, introduce yourself"

Devasena introduced herself and the boy made his introduction too as Skanda. After some persuasion by his Mother, the boy agreed reluctantly to accompany her to provide a guided tour around Mount Kailash. When Devasena was about to climb upon the elephant's back, Skanda whistled and his pet peacock landed next to him. Skanda's cheeks reddened but he offered his hand to her like a gentleman and helped her up. After flying for a few hours, they landed and spent the rest of the day, talking, playing games and climbing trees. Skanda showed her how to wield a spear and he danced divinely. Devasena felt envious when he told her that his parents who were accomplished dancers, danced every day in unison as she recalled her own parents who barely spent any time with each other.

They talked about their respective siblings for a while. Devasena told him of her elder brother, Jayantha and proudly said that her older brother had fought against Rakshasa King Ravana's son, Meghnad.

"But he lost to Ravana's son, didn't he? So did your father, that was why Meghnad was called Indrajit ~ He who won against Indra." a voice interrupted.

Devasena turned around angrily to see a round-faced and hefty boy a few years older than Skanda, who was pot-bellied and clad in chrysanthemum yellow dhoti, kayabandha and uttariya.

"This" said Skanda, his face reddened with embarrassment at the rude interruption by his brother, "is my elder brother, Vikata"

"The one who was given an elephant head?" Devasena whispered, Vikata flushed beet red and said, "Temporarily. I got my head back as you can see"

Vikata said sarcastically, "You seem woefully ill-informed, brother! The girl goes on and on about, spreading flattering false stories of her father and brother. Isn't it your job to enlighten her?"

Devasena felt deeply hurt, she had just wanted to have at least someone in her family to boast about to Skanda since she obviously could not boast of her parents. Noticing her hurt expression, Skanda angrily said, "Brother, leave us"

Devasena recalled that Vikata was a favourite with the Goddess of Education, Sarasvati because of his genius intellect and the fact that Lord Shiva was one of the greatest of scholars did not help matters, as this allowed Vikata and Shiva to speak to engage in philosophical debates but Skanda was not interested in these aspects. He much preferred practicing with his weapons and greatly enjoyed the jousting matches he had with his mother who beamed with pride.

Skanda expressed his grievance with his brother, "A competition was conducted between us, a year ago, where the one who dipped in the sacred rivers across the country would earn a reward. I rushed to take a dip in the rivers but he, instead of participating fairly, flattered my parents and walked around them, terming them to be more sacred than the sacred rivers and unfairly earnt the reward! What was the point of the competition, then?"

After Skanda shared his grievance, he asked Devasena about her siblings. Devasena spoke of her siblings and added that she was much closer to her sister than her brother. They had fallen asleep like that, her head resting on his shoulder.

Devasena woke up and realized she was sitting in her father's lap while they flew on the celestial elephant back to the heavenly capital, Amaravati. "How did you find that boy, Devasena?" her father asked. "He was..." Devasena struggled to find the words to describe him, "Will we visit again?" she asked, hopefully

Indra threw back his head and laughed, "Yes, darling, certainly."

Since their first meeting when they were ten years old, they had met very often until they turned fifteen with the shy nervousness disappearing from his side and her affection for him increasing from her side.

Devasena was pleased to note that the warring brothers had bonded during the past years. Skanda had a healthy respect and pride in his brother's achievements and vice versa. Everything was going good, Devasena considered telling Skanda how she felt about him and steeled herself for a confession. One day, when a fifteen year old Devasena visited Skanda to bare her heart to him, she was in for a shock.

Skanda came up to her and told her in a grim voice, his face lined with worry "Devasena, there is a War brewing, I must leave now" Devasena was horrified on hearing this, Skanda wrapped an arm across her shoulder, "There is that cursed demon named Taaraka who has been wreaking havoc across the earth. He has become a major headache for the Heavenly Realm." Skanda's lips trembled slightly, he whispered, "They want me to kill him."

Devasena was aware of the terror that was Taaraka and she had heard of horrors meted out to those who opposed Taaraka especially in earthly realm where cities were burnt, thousands of men killed, children sold and women were raped. Taaraka was the reason for the complete mourning in the heavenly realm, the heavenly court which once exploded with music, colour and dance now silent as the dead.

Taaraka and his elite generals crushed the Deva forces after a steady battle that lasted for nearly 108 days at a stretch. Indra and his forces fought bravely and to the best of their ability but Taaraka could only be slain by a son born only of Shiva. Taaraka thought it impossible for a child to be born only of a man without the union with a woman and especially an Ascetic such as Shiva, Taaraka felt secure in his knowledge that none could slay him.

Skanda asked, distressed, "Devasena, what am I to do? I feel terrified. I have never even seen a war in my life! I am suddenly expected to lead one of the most elite army of the world!? How does a little experience, hunting in the forests even count in a battlefield?"

Devasena swallowed hard and tried to console him, "They say you are the Slayer of Taaraka, the prophecy..."

"Forget that damn prophecy!" groaned Skanda, "Look, I alone can kill Taaraka because of that peculiar boon of his but it doesn't mean that he cannot kill me! Taaraka has at least a ton of experience on the battlefield and I have none whatsoever. You tell me, Devasena, who you think is the winning horse?"

Devasena hugged Skanda around the middle of his torso and he hugged her back, "Devasena, am I going to risk the lives of millions of innocent people, my family's reputation, the honour and lives of the gods and my life itself, based on words from a man like Brihaspati who has never held a sword in his entire life?! How did he decide that a mere teenager, would win against a seasoned and decorated Asura war hero like Taaraka?!"

Devasena was pale with sheer terror as she had frightening visions of Skanda dying on the battlefield. While mortal men could not kill the Devas or the Asuras, the Asuras could kill the Devas and vice versa.

Devasena tightened her arms around Skanda's torso "Don't go" she whispered, "I will try to find ways to keep you safe!"

"How?" Skanda asked, miserably

Devasena racked her mind to come up with some quick solution for their predicament. When they both heard Skanda's name being called by Indra who had arrived at Mount Kailash with the Deva Armies, Skanda made a move to get up.

Devasena wrapped her arms in a crushing embrace around Skanda, "Are you that eager to meet your death?!" she hissed indignantly, "Let's run away! We can hide in my maternal grandfather, Puloman's underwater palace, he can protect us!"

Skanda softly pried her hands away from his torso, "I must go, Devasena" he said, even as his voice shook slightly, "I cannot let the Devas down and I most certainly cannot allow Taaraka and his armies to slaughter any more innocent people"

Devasena exhaled and managed a watery smile, "Alright, go! I was selfish in trying to shield you even when many lives were at stake. Give me your spear." Skanda gave her a puzzled look but tilted his spear towards her, offering her. She quickly pricked her finger on the spear tip and was amused to see Skanda wince, "Are you alright?" he asked anxiously

"Yes" Devasena replied, "Come closer." She had seen her Mother do this for her Father whenever he would wear armour for battle.

He shuffled closer, hauling the spear with him. Devasena drew a vertical line in the centre of his forehead and on the spear tip "Go and may you come back victorious!"

Devasena - Bride of the War GodWhere stories live. Discover now