Chapter 8

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"My father was not the noble Kashyapa, dear. My father was King Dyaus"

Devasena involuntarily recoiled, who hadn't heard of the infamous King Dyaus of nearly a thousand years ago. Indra smiled crookedly, "Ah yes, that reaction is what I dread from people. Only my closest family know of this except for my children but now, you do too, Devasena."

Devasena recalled Usha's face and blanched, "Usha is your sister?"

"Yes" Indra nodded, "What the rumors say is true! Dyaus raped Usha"

Devasena was nauseated, Indra added "Usha had the worst fate, after this horror, she was abducted for her beauty, by Asura Emperor Vritra and held in his dungeon, as his captive"

"I killed both Dyaus and Vritra, the earth need not bear such filth like them" Indra got up, "Perhaps, the reason why I wanted to share this with you is, I want you to understand that I am not as unprincipled as people seem to think. Do not believe the worst of me, child"

Saying thus, Indra patted Devasena's head and left to join the Devas in the training regimen.


The Devas trained fiercely for nearly nine months after Skanda's vow. Alarming reports of Taaraka's invasions reached them but they did not budge. However, the Devas choice to retreat from the war, led to widespread public anger.

Although the Devas trained in the isolated themselves in the Kadamba Forest, they were not spared. People could not enter the forest as only Devas could enter but they would throw stones and peels and eggshells into the forest to show their indignation. The Devas stubbornly continued training despite all this.

Due to the Deva tendency to indulge too much in wine and women, Skanda banned both within the territory of the Kadamba Forest. Only the standby medical team, both male and female, would be allowed to enter.

Devasena watched with admiration as she saw Skanda's punishing routine he set for himself. He would wake at 4:00 am in the morning, jog up and down the hills in the area. He practiced archery till his limbs became numb and palms callused beyond repair. He would practice hurling his spear with both left and right hands, until the arm muscles seemed to scream in protest. When Skanda was injured while fighting with a shield and spear against his experienced Deva opponents, Devasena would tend to his wounds.

When she treated his injuries, Devasena gulped when she saw how defined and rippling Skanda's muscles had become. Devasena mentally kicked herself, "Devasena" she jumped, "Yes?" she squeaked, "Thank you." he smiled at her. She nodded weakly, quickly finished patching him up and fled from the tent. She kept herself busy with studying on Dhanwantri's boring manual on plants with medicinal uses.

The time that was not spent training was spent formulating and discussing the pros and cons of carrying out the strategy proposed by Indra and his two brothers. Skanda held the war council every evening and heard various veterans offer valuable advice on the strategies to win the war.

The months seemed to roll by and at the completion of the ninth month, it was as if Skanda was born again. Devasena could hardly keep her eyes off how tanned, muscular and powerful he seemed. She noticed that the rest of the Devas too had become extremely fit and more agile. The Devas made preparations to leave, to wage war once again with Taaraka.

On the day they were to depart, it rained heavily, water reaching up to ankles. The Devas cursed the weather but chose not to postpone. The Devas began to march out, Devasena decided she needed to speak to Skanda once before he left.

It was raining buckets, Devasena was thoroughly drenched from top to toe by the time she reached Skanda's tent. She entered into the tent, shivering and Skanda noticed her, "By the Heavens!" he said and offered her, his blanket to keep her warm but she shook her head.

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