Chapter 10

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Five years passed since the day that Devasena had been rejected by Skanda. Devasena did not dwell for long on the rejection and moved on in her life. Indra unsuccessfully tried to persuade Skanda and Devasena into agreeing to marry each other. Devasena stopped speaking to Skanda and there was an awkward silence between them, on the few occasions, whenever they met over the next five years. 

During the past five years, Devasena passionately pursued her career as an aspiring medic. She passed the heavenly medical exams with flying colours. She became a junior medic working directly under the most famous physicians of Heaven - the Ashwin Twins. Her brother-in-law, Shukra and her sister, Jayanthi, both of whom were skilled medics themselves were in awe of her rapid progress in the medical field. Devasena did not stop there, she went on to succeed in not only in medicine but also in veterinary and botanical areas of medical science. 

During this period, the medical prodigy, Dhanwantri and she co-authored some excellent treatises on medicine. Devasena  was quickly promoted from a junior medic to a physician. She was given an assistant, Malathi who went on to become Devasena's best friend. Devasena often played matchmaker between Malathi and Malathi's crush, Indra's right-hand man, Tritha. 

Devasena worked on rehabilitating women and child refugees in wars and she provided free medical care for them. Thus, she earnt much praise and admiration from everyone for her selfless work. Devasena went on to become the Royal Physician of her father's palace. 

Each member of Devasena's family was so proud of her. Jayantha who had grown up to become more mature in the past five years became extremely supportive of Devasena and admired her a lot. Jayanthi and Sachi were always Devasena's pillars of support. Devasena's achievements won her Indra's heartfelt respect.

Devasena was given her own office room in the palace of Amaravati. She practiced as a medic in the office daily, tending to the Devas as well the beasts of each of the Devas. 

During the past five years, Devasena had heard of Skanda's passionate affair with the beautiful tribal huntress, Valli in the mortal realm. This news made Devasena more determined to not ever marry Skanda no matter what. 

Devasena thought that she had finally forgotten Skanda but when she saw him again, she realized how wrong she was. One day, Devasena was hurrying towards her father's court when she ran headfirst into Skanda. 

She went to her father's Heavenly Capital, Amaravati, feeling very sure she was going to have a normal day. A normal day was not in the stars for her. The first person she saw was the last person she ever wanted to see. Him. Devasena's heart pounded, her breath caught in her throat. Time had frozen. He was here.

Devasena vehemently cursed herself inwardly. She had tried so hard to convince Malathi and herself that she forgot Skanda but one look at Skanda was all it took for her knees to go weak. Why did he have to reappear in her life again? 

Steeling herself, Devasena raised her eyes to Skanda. His jet black hair fell to his shoulders in curls. Smooth skin the colour of a burnished bronze. Coal black eyes that pierced her soul, as sharp as spears. He had grown so much since she had last met him. He towered over her now, with muscles rippling across his arms. A well-defined chest and broad shoulders. She glanced briefly at the battle scars that were carved into his arms and torso. He wore a blood red dhoti, fastened with a golden belt, wrapped over sinewy thigh muscles. Devasena repeatedly reminded herself that he was a killer and he was no healer to control her heart rate.  

As he looked at her, his eyes widened in recognition. A warm smile spread across his face, parting his red lips and revealing pearly white teeth.  Tilting his head in acknowledgement, "De-va-se-na...!" he said, softly enunciating each word. Devasena nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. His voice had changed so much. There was a deep, rumbling timbre like a thunderstorm to his voice. She felt goosebumps, just hearing him say her name aloud. 

Taking a deep breath, Devasena straightened and nodded back in acknowledgement. She began to stride away to her office only to see that Skanda was following her. She controlled her rising anger, "Skanda, thank you for being a gentleman and escorting me but I think I can do find my own office on my own, without your help" 

Skanda looked taken aback, "Wait, your office is in the same route as mine" 

Devasena narrowed her eyes, what was he playing at? Her feelings meant so little to him and he had the gall to come up with such a silly excuse. Skanda pacified her, "Whoa! Calm down, Devasena! I am serious, I was allotted new quarters. Here, follow me, let me show you" 

She walked side by side with him and noticed that he was trying his best to walk in small steps so as to not outpace her. This caused a flutter in her heart and Devasena felt annoyed at herself for falling for him again.  Skanda pointed at his office and Devasena's heart nearly gave out. No! No! This had to be a cruel joke! His office was right next to hers, separated only by one flimsy wall. 

"Indra insisted that the office of the War God be shifted from beside Indra's quarters to here!" said Skanda rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, "I had no idea your office was right here. I am sorry, Devasena, I know things have not been going well between us over the past few know, I have wanted to talk about thi..."

"It's fine" said Devasena, cutting him off mid-sentence, smiling only out of courtesy and reminding herself to mix Halahala poison in her father's food the next time they met for the cheap forced matchmaking tactic he used on her and Skanda, "It's not a big deal. Please feel free to make yourself at home" 

She raised her chin and walked straight inside her office room. She repeated like a mantra to herself, "I am not so weak as to melt into a puddle just because his office is next to mine. I can get through this effortlessly. I am new Devasena"

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