Chapter 13

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Devasena was torn between shock and surprise. She almost could not believe her ears. She had believed all this time that Skanda was indifferent to her only to learn the opposite was true. She blurted, "Skanda, I appreciate your honesty but I need some time to think about this" 

"Okay" Skanda nodded, "Take your time, there is no hurry, Devasena!"

Nodding back, Devasena stood up from the chair and walked away quickly. She discussed Skanda's proposal with Malathi, the minute she was back in her room. 

Malathi was excited, "Wow! This is so romantic" she winked at Devasena before bursting into laughter, "I am so happy for you!" 

"What did you say?" Malathi asked her, "I asked for some time" Devasena replied. Malathi rolled her eyes, "When he made such a romantic proposal, you could have just said yes" 

"I was too stunned at the time" sighed Devasena.

Malathi could barely contain her excitement and told Sachi and Aditi about Skanda's proposal. Both Devasena's mother and grandmother hurried to Devasena's room the minute they heard this news. 

Sachi hugged Devasena, "Is this true, Dearest? Did he ask for your hand? See, the prophecy is true!"

Aditi blessed Devasena by placing a cupped palm on top of Devasena's head, "I am so happy for you, child. May you have a happy married life"

Devasena blushed and she felt very flustered. Finally, Devasena had some peace and quiet after Sachi, Aditi and Malathi left her room to gossip more on the topic of Devasena's marriage. 

 Barely, minutes passed before Devasena heard a knock on her door and Indra peeked inside, "Child, we must hurry"

"Where, father?" Devasena asked.

"As the King of Gods, each year, I must review the training of Skanda's troops. We are going to Kadamba Forest to witness the training today. Hurry and get appropriately dressed, child"

Devasena nodded, "Please give me a little time" 

Indra nodded and hurriedly left to get dressed as befitting the King of the Gods. Devasena was decked in the best finery and glittering jewellery by her mother and grandmother. She wore a lotus pink uttariya, antariya, kayabandha and sthanapatta. Parijatha blossoms for her hair.

Devasena rushed to the entrance and she saw Indra's chariot ready to go. Indra led her to the chariot and helped her get in. He hopped into the chariot himself and waved bye to his wife and mother. Devasena said her bye too and the chariot took off. Devasena could see that they were flying high above the foamy white clouds. The rays of the sun were pleasant that day and she could see Surya supervising the sun's temperature. 

"We are here!" announced the charioteer of Indra.

Devasena glanced down, she could see the famous Kadamba Forest of Skanda. She could hear the war drums, war trumpets, horses' neighs and striking of metal on metal. She could hear the reverberating battle cries of thousands of Deva warriors. 

Devasena had goosebumps on her skin on hearing all of this. She was feeling very excited about the prospect of witnessing the training. The chariot hovered over the site of the training field. She heard Skanda's unmistakable deep, rumbling voice, "Who goes there?"

"It is I, Indra, the King of Gods come to review your troops, War God!" replied Indra. Devasena noticed that there was a barrier which evaporated after Indra announced himself. The chariot slowly descended and landed. Indra got down from the chariot and he helped Devasena get down too. 

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