Chapter 9

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The battle between Taaraka and Skanda was said to have shaken the three worlds. Both Skanda and Taaraka had fought the duel fair and square. In the end, Skanda was the uncontested winner. Skanda stabbed Taaraka through the heart using his spear. He raised his dead body over head using both hands. An impressive show of strength that earnt cheers from the Devas and anguished cries from Asuras. Upon Taaraka's death, a bright red pulsating aura emitted from Skanda's body, a divine sign of the fulfilled prophecy. The aura was sign of the heavens bestowing the power of a War God on Skanda.

Devasena's legs gave out and she had collapsed onto the ground. She was overjoyed and couldn't believe that the Devas won. Devasena watched in amazement when the battlefield cleared out and the Asuras  withdrew. The Devas did a war dance to celebrate their victory. Barely a day after Skanda's victory against Taaraka, news arrived that Shiva singlehandedly destroyed Taaraka's three sons and their three flying forts in Tripura.

As per the rules of a duel, the brothers of Taaraka could not interfere and the sons who could interfere were now dead. Thus, both Surapadhman and Simhamukha laid low for a while. Peace that had been so elusive until now reigned for nearly half a year. 

However, when six months passed, the Asuras repeatedly appealed to the brothers to bring back the lost glory of the Asuras. As the leaders of Asuras, it was duty of both brothers of Taaraka to honour the wish of their people. Therefore, Surapadhman and Simhamukha joined hands and declared a war on the Devas. As both leaders of the Asuras were as honorable the Devas themselves, they did not launch a secret attack. First, they sent messengers with a declaration of war asking the Devas to surrender or to fight.

An emergency war council was held at Indra's palace in Amaravati. The Devas were summouned and a discussion was held. Skanda, in his capacity as the new War God, presided over this meeting. Skanda read the message, after reaching a consensus from other Devas, he said, "Let us go to war!"

The duel with Taaraka had concluded in one week, neither man slept a wink and fought without a break. A full scale war however was a different matter altogether. A massive war was launched which continued for nearly nine months.

Devasena tended to tens of thousands of Devas during this period. She hoped to glimpse Skanda because she was worried for his safety. She could not approach him because, now, he was always surrounded by other Deva warriors.

Galvanized by two victories in a row, Skanda led the battles against the Asuras. After a grueling  war was fought on a colossal scale - battalions of armies were decimated, trees uprooted,  refugees increased in thousands, mass destruction was wrought everywhere, the earth was dyed red with blood.

Finally, the war concluded with unchallenged Deva victory with both Surapadhman and Simhamukha surrendering and requesting for a ceasefire. A peace treaty was signed between the Devas and the Asuras with Skanda and Surapadhman being the signatories respectively.

Skanda was hailed as a hero and savior of the Devas. Skanda became a household name in the three realms. The mortals built  temples in his honour as they were now freed from Asura rule.

Indra held an Investiture Ceremony where Skanda officially took his place among the pantheon as the new War God. The ceremony was nearly as grand as the time when Indra had taken his place as the King of the Gods. As soon as the ceremony completed, Indra declared that Devasena is to be engaged to Skanda. The Devas danced, sung, jumped and hooted in raving happiness. Indra was so happy that rain began to drizzle, Surya was so happy that the sun shone pleasantly and Agni was so happy that the Devas stayed warm despite the cold of the rain drops.

Devasena did not dare look at Skanda's face. She felt so embarrassed and shy that she wished she could become invisible. It was one thing to secretly harbor feelings for Skanda, it was another thing for it to be out in the open. She slowly and hesitantly raised her eyes to Skanda's face. His expression was neutral but his stare was so intense that it could scorch her. Devasena was confused what to make of his facial expression. Before she could say anything, she was surrounded by the countless Devas. She felt as if she was in an ocean of people, waves after waves came towards her to congratulate her on her engagement. When she raised her head, he was walking away, deep in conversation with Indra and the other male gods.

After she had been congratulated for a few hours, Devasena finally arrived at her room in her palace. When she lay down on her bed in exhaustion, she saw her mother enter her room. Devasena saw that her mother looked very worried, "Maa, what happened?"

With a grief stricken face, Sachi said "Devasena, your father had suggested to Skanda that you two must marry at the earliest but Skanda had refused. When your father asked if it was because Skanda needs more time. Skanda said, 'Not because of time.' Your father asked, 'Is it that you wish to not get attached to anyone through marriage?' Skanda replied that it was because he did not believe that he was compatible with you. Skanda said that he was not ready to marry you and not that he did not want to marry at all"

Devasena felt as if the floor beneath her gave way. She struggled to breathe but it felt like an invisible pair of hands were choking her. For a moment, Devasena wished she could disappear forever than bear the shame of this rejection. Sachi hugged her while Devasena cried in her lap. "I know you have always loved him! Fate is so cruel!" Sachi said with tears on her cheeks.

For a few days, Devasena carried out her daily tasks like a wooden doll. Brihaspati visited her house that day. He made a prophecy, his black irises becoming milky white, that Devasena would wed Skanda and birth his children. If it was not for the fact that Devasena had years of proper etiquette ingrained into her by her Mother and Grandmother, she would have thrown the serving platter at the old man. Though she could not be rude, Devasena wanted to express her disagreement, "Lord Brihaspati, apologies for my impertinence but your prophecy did not come true in Skanda's case and neither will it come true in mine!"

"But it came true in Skanda's case, did it not? He did become the Slayer of Taaraka! He did win the War! He did become the War God!" said Brihaspati, chuckling at her.

Devasena did not know what to say to that, what Brihaspati predicted became true.

"I make predictions but you can't just sit back and do nothing and expect miracles to happen" Brihaspati said wisely.

Devasena sighed, he was right but she was not planning to make any effort for a man who made no effort for her. He gave her up without a fight, why should she fight for him?! Skanda fighting a war for the Devas was about duty but her marrying Skanda was about choice.

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