Chapter 7

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Devasena could not believe her ears, "What?" she said, unsure she heard, correctly. No, there has to be a mistake, this cannot be true. 

"The. Devas. Lost" said her father, laying emphasis on each word like he was talking to a dullard.

Jayanthi timidly added, "Father, what are you even  say....?"

"THE DEVAS LOST!" Indra bellowed, "What, are you all deaf ?!" 

With a sweeping  movement of his arm, he knocked down all the medicines placed on the wooden table. The Devas being treated were stunned into silence, Indra was almost never angry - he was known to be a level-headed, conniving, cold-hearted bastard. 

Surya and Usha stepped forward, helping to place the medicines back on the table. 

"What is the need of all this medical equipment? Medicines are needed to treat the living. What use are they on the dead, oh sorry, soon-to-be-dead" he sneered, "Agni, burn it down!" 

Agni and Surya stepped forward and held Indra's arms on either side, in a restraining manner, "Indra, that's enough" Lightning crackled across Indra's body, both of them drew back hastily, "I told you to burn it down, did you not hear clearly enough? Are you disobeying a direct order from your King?"

Usha stepped forward, stepping before Agni and Surya, "Indra, don't give up yet. There is still time....."

"How can I not give up?" Indra cut in, bursting into bitter laughter, "After pouring Deva blood and sweat, we managed to reach to breach the fort and reach Taaraka's castle. We managed to get there, we fought Taaraka's army. Taaraka challenges to a duel and withdraws his troops."

Devasena whispered, with rising panic "You made Skanda fight him..."

"Of course!" said Indra, "That boy had literally one simple job to do. Fight Taaraka. What did he do? Lost miserably in the duel. Taaraka's forces clashed with ours, countless Deva soldiers laid down their life" 

"We had to run, tail tucked in between like dogs. I do not even know if Jayantha is alive or dead. So much hard work and for what?!"he paused in between, his eyes narrowing at something near the tent flap. 

Devasena followed his gaze and saw Skanda. Devasena noted with a critical eye that he had a broken ribcage, his spear arm was twisted out of shape, shoulder  dislocated. Skanda limped into the tent, the ligaments in right leg were torn, the bone visible. Devasena rushed forward to him and Usha assisted her in helping Skanda to sit down. 

"Yes, help him but of course, don't mind your wounded father, he is just howling some nonsense" mocked Indra. 

"Father!" Jayanthi said, shocked. "Indra, enough!" said Usha, sternly 

Devasena did not respond, she understood that it was the loss of so many of his comrades that made Indra half-mad with grief.  She quickly got to work.

 Skanda said, his head bowed with self-loathing "Please don't mind me, help you father and uncles. The Deva soldiers outside need your assistance" 

Devasena ignored his survivor's guilt and briskly finished treating his injuries. Devasena cursed internally, when she saw War God, Manyu, step into the tent. She glanced at Skanda and from his tense body language saw that it was his worst nightmare. 

"Well done!" clapped Manyu, "Got so many of your comrades butchered! Why should you get to live when better men than you have died? What use are you to the Devas?" 

"What use are any of you?" snapped Skanda

"Eh? what did you just say, boy?" said Manyu, narrowing his eyes

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