Chapter 15

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Devasena could not believe that her wedding day was today. It all seemed like a dream to her. It seemed only yesterday that she believed Skanda had no feelings for her. It seemed only yesterday that Skanda proposed to her and bared his heart and soul to her. 

Devasena slowly combed her long hair in front of the oval mirror. Suddenly, the door opened and Sachi rushed in, "Come, dear" Sachi said, "It's time to get ready" 

Aditi rushed in after Sachi, so did Malathi. Devasena was scrubbed in turmeric paste and bathed. Her hair was washed with shikakai, hibiscus and gooseberry paste. After her bath, fragrant red sandalwood paste was generously smeared all over her body. 

Her feet were colored yellow with turmeric and painted red with lac. Her hands were painted with green henna, when henna was wiped away, her hands were patterned in a rich maroon.

Her eyes were outlined in sooty black with kohl, her lips stained red with betel leaf juice. Her hair plaited into a long braid was decorated with flowers of the Love God himself. White lotus, ashoka tree flowers, mango tree flowers, jasmine flowers and blue lotus flowers were woven into her braid. 

She wore Indra's glittering celestial diadem, the Kiriti. She wore crocodile shaped gold earrings gifted to her by her Uncle, Lord Surya. She wore the golden armbands of Lord Vishnu, the Keyura. 

She was decked in rows of jewellery, waist belt, bangles and anklets purchased from the God of Wealth, Kubera. Her jewellery was made of famous gems such as the Moon God's Chandrakanta, the wish fulfilling Chintamani, Lord Vishnu's Kaustubha, Goddess Lakshmi's Vaidurya, Lord Vishnu's Syamantaka and Naga King Vasuki's Nagamani. 

She walked shyly to the Kalyana Mandap, accompanied by Sachi, Aditi, Malathi and several other women. She sat down beside Skanda who was resplendent in blood red uttariya, dhoti and kayabandha. She glanced at Skanda who was decked in the War God's gilded armour with his divine spear by his side and his large pet peacock fanning them to keep them cool.

The marriage was attended by every Deva in the three worlds: Agni, Surya, Chandra, Brihaspati, Varuna, Vayu, Yama, Kubera, Kama and the Holy Trinity of Brahma-Saraswati, Vishnu-Lakshmi and Shiva-Parvati. The marriage was attended by all the divine beings - Apsara, Gandharva, Yaksha, Kinnara, Kindeva,   Kimpurusha, Vidyadhara, Naga and Suparna. Skanda's adoptive mothers,  the Kritthikas also attended the ceremony and were given utmost importance by Skanda and Devasena. 

Lord Brihaspati performed the marriage in grandeur. When Skanda tied the mangalsutra around Devasena's neck, the sound of the conch shells, the trumpets and drums could be heard for thousands of miles away. The Devas danced and sang, drank and had a merry time for three continuous days. 

The marriage was performed in such pomp and ceremony that it became the most discussed event in the three worlds of Heaven, Underworld and the Earth. 

On the wedding night, Devasena felt shy to sit beside Skanda. Skanda smiled up at her warmly and invited her to sit beside him and Devasena did. He wrapped an arm around her and planted a kiss on her cheeks, forehead and then, lips. "Wife..." whispered Skanda, embracing her. 

Devasena could hear his heart thudding and the rumble of his voice from his chest as he spoke. She whispered back, "Husband" They sat side by side and spoke throughout the night. Years of feelings for each other, which both could not express, finally found a voice on their wedding night. 

The wedding was completed with resounding note of success and it was the hot and most favourite topic for gossip for nearly three years after. Three years flew by in the blink of an eye and Devasena and Skanda continued to work in their respective offices often meeting up and chatting whenever they get free time especially during lunch and dinner. Brihaspati visited one day, unannounced to bless Skanda and Devasena. Both of them respectfully saluted the elder and took his blessings, "May you both have a happy married life" the elderly man wished and left. 

Devasena was soon expecting twins and Skanda was overjoyed. He would often put his head on her swelling belly to feel his children's kicks against his cheek. 

"Thank you..." Skanda whispered to Devasena and she kissed him fiercely. Indra and Sachi visited often to check up on Devasena and so did Shiva and Parvati. 

When the twins were born, the entire Heavenly realm was in celebration for nearly a month.  Valli often sent gifts for Devasena's children and Devasena often sent gifts to Valli too.

Devasena and Skanda resumed their work in the Office and their respective parents took care of Skanda and Devasena's two beautiful children. Skanda's twin children were born within three minutes difference between them, with the older one being named Sakha and the younger one as Visakha. 


One day, while Devasena was working on a medical thesis in her home, Skanda placed a beautiful pink lotus flower on her lap. Devasena looked up and smiled at him, "You are working very hard, dear, I think you should take a break for sometime, you have earnt it" he said, lovingly, and put aside her thesis paper. 

Devasena and Skanda's children burst into the room and his older son, Sakha said he wanted to become a healer while the younger son, Visakha said he wanted to become a warrior. 

Skanda and Devasena exchanged a look and smiled warmly at each other. They both hugged their children and said in unison, "Whatever you choose to become in the future, we are proud of you and wholeheartedly support your choices!"


Skanda's younger son, Visakha, sighed in disappointment, "Father, no matter how many times I try to wield your spear, I cannot seem to ever learn the spear throw correctly"

Skanda raised his head and observed that his son looked deeply upset. Skanda sighed and knelt before his twelve year old son. Skanda put both hands on Visakha's shoulder, "It's okay, you will learn with more practice"

"But, I am the son of the War God, aren't I? There is not a single person who hasn't heard of you! You led a Deva Army as a teenager!"

Skanda smiled wryly, "I did but I fared much worse than you. I was nervous and scared and diffident."

Visakha looked at him with wide eyes of surprise, Skanda embraced his son firmly, "I am the man I am today with the unconditional love and support of your mother. I did not become the invincible War God in a day. It takes a long journey and your first step in the journey is already so much better than mine!" 

Visakha smiled gratefully at his father. The older son, Sakha rushed into the training ground, with Devasena accompanying him, "Father, I have made a lot of progress in the medical field." 

Skanda smiled at him proudly, Sakha said, "I will try to improve in the warrior field too so that you can be as proud of me as Mother is, Father"

"I am already proud of you" Skanda said, warmly, "Do you think the medical field is any easier than a warrior's job? Both are equally important and equally difficult. We are both proud of you, so, don't ever think poorly of yourselves" said Skanda, firmly.

Devasena gently kissed Skanda's cheek and embraced him from the side, "Come here, you two" she called out to her sons. Her sons rushed forward and Devasena's pulled her sons and Skanda into a tight embrace, "You three mean the world to me. Always remember, no matter what, I love you fiercely and I will always love you and I will never lose my faith in any of you!" 


Devasena - Bride of the War GodWhere stories live. Discover now