Chapter 14

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The world seemed to spin around Devasena. She was lost in the blissful moment. She felt Skanda softly nibbling her lips. The kiss deepened, Devasena's mouth parted of its own accord and she felt their tongues meet. She suddenly realized what she was doing and pulled away abruptly. The entire army camp let out a collective sigh of disappointment.

Devasena thought of going for a swift peck on the lips but it turned into something more passionate than she had anticipated. She certainly did not want to kiss in front of an audience. Skanda realized as much and indicated that she follow him. 

Devasena walked behind Skanda while he led the way away from the camp. They came into a clearing area with a beautiful lake flowing next to it. It was a beautiful grove surrounded by several Kadamba trees and many pairs of peacocks and peahens. The stars shone like diamonds on black silk in the night sky. Wherever Devasena looked, she could the beauty of nature in the greenery surrounding her and in the Kadamba blossoms and petals scattered all over the ground and floating on the surface of the lake. 

Skanda bent down and whispered, "Shall we continue?" Devasena nodded shyly and they continued with their passionate kiss. Time seemed irrelevant and Devasena felt that it was only the two of them in the entire world, in their own cozy space. 

After kissing long enough to have bruised lips, Devasena and Skanda lay down on the grass. They both looked up at the stars, they pointed various constellations to each other. 

"Look, its Asvini" whispered Devasena 

Skanda pointed at another star, "There is Bharani" 

Devasena lay her head on Skanda's chest and she could hear his heartbeat quicken. Skanda wrapped an arm around her protectively. 

"Skanda" began Devasena


"I know you were worried about our differences and how it could impact a child if their parents have different beliefs but you don't have to be. I am confident that we will be wonderful parents in the future. Our children will receive encouragement and love from both of us, no matter if they choose to be a healer or a warrior!"

Skanda kissed her forehead gently, "Yes" he agreed. 

"Skanda, about your proposal to me earlier..." Devasena said, blushing "I accept. I will marry you. I will become the Bride of the War God" 

Skanda rose to his feet and helped Devasena get up too. He knelt on one knee before her and firmly embraced her around the waist, "Thank you..." he replied, his voice heavy with emotion.

They stayed in a warm embrace for sometime before Skanda got up saying, "Devasena, I have a surprise for you, close your eyes" 

Devasena did and she waited with bated breath. 

She could hear giggles of some women and she could feel some bright light even through closed lids. 

"Open your eyes" said Skanda and Devasena slowly opened her eyes to see that he was holding two garlands. 

Both garlands had the most beautiful mythical flowers from Heaven such as Parijatha blossoms, Padma blossoms, Vyjayanthi blossoms, Saugandhika blossoms. These were interwoven with the flowers of the God of Love, Kama such as white lotuses, ashoka tree flowers, mango tree flowers, jasmine flowers and blue lotuses. Glittering stars like diamonds were interwoven into the garland. 

Skanda whispered, "Devasena, this garland was prepared for us by my adoptive mothers, the goddesses of stars, the Kritthikas."

Devasena was deeply touched, she was aware that Skanda was raised as a baby by these women and that they hold a special place in his heart. The fact that they had woven such beautiful garlands meant that Skanda had earlier spoken of his love for her to them. 

"Thank you..." Devasena whispered, her voice cracking from emotion, "They are so beautiful!"

"Devasena, I want to ask the question again" said Skanda, he passed one garland to Devasena, "Devasena, will you marry me?" 

"Yes" said Devasena, bursting into happy tears, "Yes, a thousand times, yes!!!"

Skanda smiled, "Then, let us marry in Gandharva tradition" 

Devasena garlanded Skanda and he garlanded Devasena, they embraced each other after the exchange of garlands. They spent the night, lying down on the grass, looking up at the stars and whispering about many things to each other. 

The next day morning, they returned to the camp and met Indra on their way. 

Indra glanced at the garlands around their necks and grinned, he shouted in joy, "Welcome, War God's Bride" 

On hearing this, the entire army camp began festivities. Special feasts were prepared, alcohol flowed in abundance, dances and songs were performed impromptu. 

Skanda and Devasena were congratulated by everyone. Skanda received bear hugs and thumps on the back, from the men in the camp.

Skanda said, "Devasena, let me take you to my home in Mount Kailash. My parents would be thrilled to see you again" 

"Need a ride?" said Indra, with a snort of laughter, "My charioteer is right here. I can ask him to drop you both" 

"Thank you for the offer but I have my own ride" said Skanda with a broad smile, he whistled and his armoured peacock landed right beside him. 

He offered a hand to Devasena and helped her up, he seated himself right behind her. He seized the reins and pressed his feet into his mount's sides. The peacock flew into the sky and Devasena recalled the first time they met, "Skanda, do you remember our first meeting?"

"Yes" said Skanda, softly, "Of course I do, I could never forget you after that" 

"Neither could I" whispered Devasena back and Skanda planted a kiss on her cheek. 

Devasena saw the snowy white peaks of Mount Kailash and she felt a little nervous. Her mother had not been civil to Skanda after his rejection and she had not visited Skanda's parents in several years. Would they resent me for this? wondered Devasena.

As if Skanda read her mind, he replied, "Don't worry, they will love you, I promise." he softly patted her, reassuringly. 

They landed in Mount Kailash and Devasena was astonished to see that there was a festive atmosphere in the icy mountains. The usually plain place was festooned with colorful decorations. 

When Devasena and Skanda landed, she was surprised to see Goddess Parvati step forward and welcome her and Skanda with a lamp on a gold platter. 

Skanda touched his mother's feet and Devasena followed suit. He got up and embraced his mother affectionately. Lord Shiva and Vikata stepped forward to warmly welcome Devasena. 

Goddess Parvati touched Devasena's cheek and softly said, "You have been like a sun to my son, in the times of darkness in his life. I could not be more honored to have you as my daughter in law" 

Lord Shiva added, "You have made him transform from a shy boy to a confident man, my child. We can never thank you enough for this!" 

Vikata added, "You helped him face and destroy his inner demons and for this, please accept my thanks as Skanda's older brother" 

Devasena had tears in her eyes, she was deeply moved by the warm and heartfelt welcome she got from Skanda's family, "Thank you" she whispered to them while Skanda draped an arm around her shoulder and comforted her. 

Devasena had finally found a loving family and she was going to marry the love of her life, she felt she could burst of happiness. 

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