Chapter 5

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Devasena realized that she was utterly alone, her brother-in-law and sister were asleep as was Dhanwantri in other tents. Devasena recollected that alongside crystal clear Amruth i.e. ambrosia, there were also vials of purplish black, Halahala i.e. the only poison that could kill the Devas and Asuras. The poison was kept in the medical camp so that the medics could sprinkle it on all the medical products and then, consume it, committing suicide rather than be captured alive.

Devasena turned around, bit hard on his nose and kicked the other fellow in the groin. She ran away fast, the desk serving as a temporary barricade. She fumbled through the medical supplies stored in the cupboard and grabbed the poison vials. She heard a crash and saw that the Deva soldier had tossed aside the desk blocking his way with one hand. An average Deva was already much stronger than a mortal and a trained Deva soldier strong enough to knock out a full grown elephant.

Devasena threateningly held one vial towards the two advancing Devas. The two men hesitated, when they saw the deadly Halahala poison in her hand. Before she could decide whether to kill or to die, the three of them heard the unmistakable sound of conch shells being blown outside the tent. Devasena's heart soared with happiness, the Deva Army must be here. One of the two Deva soldier rushed to the tent flap, peeked outside and came running back "It's the Asura battalion" he screamed in terror

Devasena peeked outside and saw that there was an entire Asura battalion led by one of the four famed generals of Taaraka. Mammoths armed with iron armour, on which large Asura men sat, holding clubs, battle-axes and spiked maces. Indra's Net glowed red in warning and Devasena commanded it to become invisible but she heard several deep guffaws from outside, a man's booming voice rang loud, "Think such cheap tricks will work?!"

An axe was hurled from outside with unerring accuracy and it tore a huge hole into the tent. Devasena saw from the large tear in the tent, that Indra's Net was being sawn off cleanly by several Asura soldiers. One by one, the cords of the Net began to tear in half and lose their power. Devasena ordered the Net to defend against the invaders but when the Net tried to cast illusions, not a single one of those soldiers batted an eyelid.

Devasena was racking her brains for solutions, the poison was not sufficient. She felt tears prick her eyes as realized she would have to kill her sister and the unborn child. When Devasena uncorked poison vials, she heard the sounds of swords, scraping scabbards. Devasena was astonished when she saw the two Deva soldiers, draw their weapons.

"The Asuras will kill us all anyway. Best to save a few Devas if we can. Leave quickly." The two Deva soldiers both exchanged a grim look, "Long live the Devas!" they said in unison. With that, they stepped out.

Devasena ran as fast as she could, woke up her brother-in-law and Dhanwantri. Upon her insistence, the three of them reluctantly, ran as fast they could.

Just as she stepped into the tent, she saw a bloodied arm holding a sword. Torn arms and legs, were tossed inside her tent and Devasena's legs shook with terror. She heard roars of approval as heads were being passed like a child's ball between the Asura soldiers. She heard sickening sounds of flesh being cleaved open. She had heard that Asura's hung Deva and Mortals intestines all over the places that they had conquered to strike terror in the hearts of their enemies.

Devasena knew that the Net would hold for some more time, but she needed to make sure that the Asuras did not leave the place to chase after her sister.

"Step out, Indra's spawn!" the General's voice was drenched in hatred.

"Don't you want to look at your beloved brother again?" the voice asked with a malicious laugh, "He was delicious to taste, wasn't he?" The Asura men laughed raucously

Devasena took a deep breath and stepped out of the tent but stood within the protective circle of the Net with the vial of poison firmly clenched in one fist, "O Asura General, I am aware that Asuras being cannibals is a grossly exaggerated myth. Do not insult your own people by spreading false statements"

Silence followed her words, the jeering laughter of the Asuras died down, "Well spoken for a pure-bred arrogant Deva" said the Asura General grudgingly, "but step out now! I must avenge the death of my children burnt to cinders by Indra's cursed lightning"

"Your anger is not unjustified, but it is misplaced, famed Asura General" said Devasena, "It was not I who killed them. Are you not repeating Indra's crime by letting another mother know of the pain of losing her child just like your wife did?"

There was a pause outside, the Asura General scoffed, "Never mind, keep talking, it will provide some respite from boredom. The Net won't last beyond an hour from now, foolish child!"

He hissed, "The Devas have committed enough crimes against the Asuras. Taaraka is leading us to a chance to rebuild Asura legacy and past glory. What would a sheltered stupid girl know of it?!"

"Enough that your wives would be nauseated that Asura men had fun with Deva girls"

A murmur of uncertainty passed through the army, even as the soldiers worked at hacking off the cords of the Net.

"The Devas have committed no less atrocities" retorted the Asura General, "What in the name of the Asura Progenitor am I doing? Trying to explain a greater cause to a mere chit of a girl?"

"If you cannot convince a mere girl, then how are you going to convince the kingdoms that Taaraka dreams of ruling" Devasena demanded

The Asura General laughed, "They will either surrendered or will be destroyed"

"So, you are planning to rule over ashes? Interesting! Very convenient, after all, ashes can always be trampled beneath your feet"

Asura General eyes blazed but he held his tongue, he ignored her and barked at his men, "Are you going to take a century to saw off that blasted Net? Are we in earth or the Brahmaloka?!"

"Answer me, Asura General? Who do you want to rule? What is this so called glory that you seek? Do you want to build your Kingdom with the bleached bones of the dead and fill rivers of blood? Do you want the Asura legacy to be one where you are called savages and cannibals?!"

An involuntary snarl erupted from the Asura General. Devasena persisted, "Your Asura race was one which once had a great scholar and lute player like Ravana who envisioned a dazzling city like Lanka, the thousand-armed warrior, Baana who could play the two-headed drum as he danced enchantingly and a prodigy scholar and wizard like Vritra"

"Has it ever occurred to you, why they might have failed?" asked Devasena.

The Asura General was intrigued, he waited.

Devasena added, "It was because they let their own arrogance blind them. Their vision which once began with "we" became "I". First, they destroyed Devas with no discrimination between those Devas who hurt them and those who did not, then, they destroyed mortals who never harmed them. They wanted to bring back Asura glory with its rich heritage but instead, what they built tributes to and sang praises of, was their ego"

"Indra's spawn, don't you know, your father is the greatest egoist out there" chuckled the Asura General, the Asuras laughed with him.

"Yes" nodded Devasena in agreement, leading to more raucous laughter, "but, no one in the Devas follow him blindly."

"However!" Devasena pointed out, "The Devas divide the tasks between themselves and one man does not contain supreme power. If one is excellent in medicine, the other is good at warfare. If one wields water, the other wields fire. Indra is not free from criticism, Indra's ability to lead is questioned. My father had to step down as King of Gods when he had an affair with Ahalya and he was punished in a humiliating way. Indra himself seeks help from Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva neither of whom are Kings. The Devas complement their strengths and weaknesses, they have always ruled as a Team"

"In Asuras, you take One Asura King to be superior to all the other Asuras. The Asura King's word is law. If Asura King says demolish a city, yes! If he says, rape their women, yes! In Devas, even if Indra may give such an order to demolish morale of the Asuras – then, Usha, the Ashwin Twins, Manu, Varuna, Surya, Aditi, Sachi and Yama will oppose it. Not even Indra can ever override their refusal"

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