• Chapter 2 •

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"Good morning mom". Devlin was Newly awakened.

"When are you going to train in the fight?" Ei asked.

"I don't know, maybe in the afternoon"

"And what are your plans today?"

"Why are you interested?" Devlin confused.

"Because you are my daughter, and I should know what are you going to do"

"Mom, first of all, there is no way to leave this boring island, second of all I'm with Thoma all day. And third of all, I wanna go to watatsumi island today"

"For what?"

"I don't know, I'll kill hillichurls or something like that"

"There are hillichurls too"

"Why do you want me to stay only on this island?!"

"Because of your safety!"

"I'm safe on this stupid island mom!"

"DEVLIN! you don't understand!"

"Mom, I don't care if u will be angry, but I know about Liyue, Modstadt, Sumeru, and all of them! you are lying to me. And I  think that u are hiding more!". Devlin said Angrily.

"How did you know that?!"

"Thoma told me, mom!"

"*Sigh* Devlin..."


"I can explain..."

"I DON'T WANT!". Devlin shouted and left.

Devlin's POV.

I left, and just ran, I didn't know where I was going. Sakura's leaves were crying with me. Everyone and everything was terrible. Suddenly I collided with Thoma, I looked into his eyes and hugged him. I was still crying.

"Hey, what's happened?" Thoma hugged back.

"Why Is everyone lying to me?!"

"Peach, I'm with you, okay? Tell me everything you want"

"I need you". I was still hugging. His T-shirt was wet from my tears.

"Let's talk okay?"


We went to our place and sat down on the roof. He was just waiting for me. His green eyes Always made me feel better. he was like everything to me. I just closed my eyes and started to talk.

"Live in a lie. It's very terrible. I don't know who I am. I don't know who is my father. What should I do? I don't know... But I know one thing. I WILL KNOW EVERYTHING about my life. I should know who I am and who is my family. It will be hard. But I'll do Everything. I just need it"

He was still looking at me. Looking with his green eyes. I didn't know, his eyes were paradise.

"listen peach, I will help you, I'm always with u". he said and hugged.

"Thoma why? why are u caring about me?"

"Because you are my friend, and we need each other"

I didn't answer, just I was in his warm arms. And we were looking at the morning's sky.

"Well, I don't want to have a secret for u". he said smiling.

"What's going on?"


"Well, what?" I smiled too.

"I have a crush on Ayaka". he smiled more and blushed.

"Oh my... God". I started laughing.

We laughed for a long time. He was trying to make me smile and laugh. Thoma was always trying his best. that's the reason why I loved him. As a friend of course.

Ei's POV.
(During this time)

"It's time to tell her. Maybe I should go to Yae Miko, and listen to her advice" I thought and left.

There were birds and pink leaves in the air. It was beautiful. In this beauty, I saw them on the roof and smiled. They were laughing. It was a good feeling when she was smiling...
I just went to Yae Miko and talked.

"Yae, I need your advice" I started talking when we sat down at the table.

"I'm listening, Ei, is there a problem with her again?"

"Yes, she wants to know about her life, and I don't know what to do..."

"Meet the gods, tell them everything, and Make a decision together". she said calmly.

"It's very risky Yae"

"Calm down Ei, don't be so nervous. She needs to know, it's her life"

I thought.

"And, she needs truth, At least she will know everything. Soon she will have to fight alone with a common enemy, Fatui. You know everything Ei. You know more than me"

"Yeah... Well... I'll tell". I said and left.

Third person POV

Sunset. Birds were singing. Colors were dancing in the water. In this beauty, there Was a girl in a black dress on the cliff, she was like a princess, but in her beauty, there was darkness, The strong darkness, and power. She wanted to run away, but that evening was important for her.

She returned home. Ei was sitting on the chair and looking at her. She was scared.

"What's going on mom?"

"Devlin... I... I'm ready to tell you everything you need"

"Another lie? No"

"It's not a lie, I swear". Ei started crying silently.

"If it's a lie, I'll know"

"No, I SWEAR". Ei touched her heart with her hand.


"Listen, I don't know how to start. Umm, well, in this world, there are seven gods and eight powers. Demdro, anemo, hydro, pyro, cryo, geo, electro, and droyo. All of the gods have their "place", for example, liyue is the God of the geo's place, Sumeru is Dendro's place, etc.
Once, the Gods decided to try something new. They created a girl and gave her all of the powers. At the end of the process, all powers mixed, and new power emerged. That was a droyo, the power of the darkness. Electro God took the girl to an Inazuma island and started to care for her. No matter how confusing it may be, this girl is you, Devlin..."


"I know it's very hard but, we did it for your safety. You are the only one who has this power. You just got no idea how strong you are, no idea what that power can do."

"You are the Electro God? And I'm the child of seven gods. A-and I have a power that no one has. Mom, it's very... I don't know"

"You are important Devlin, soon you have to fight our enemy-Fatui. They are like criminals, with masks and... Well... The world needs you. You are turning 23 in a week, and I'm so sorry that u were living in a lie"

"Mom, stop, it's not your fault. It's my fault, and I am ready to fight". Devlin was a little excited.

"Fatui is strong, but you are more, you know to fight and you are a wonderful agent. Just I'm proud of you, and I'm so happy that you understand"

Devlin smiled and hugged her. They had dinner together, Ei told her everything about her, Fatui, and gods. In the middle of the night, Devlin was on the cliff and looking at the sky, and there was only one question in her mind, "How to fight against Fatui"?

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