• Chapter 3 •

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.Chapter 3 - part 1.

Morning. Devlin was sitting in her room and preparing for a big adventure. Well... She had big plans. She was going to travel to the Liyue, Mondstadt, Sumeru, etc. And fought to the Fatui. Of course, Thoma was helping her. She was going to liyue first. Devlin was so serious, there was no smile or laugh on her face. She was ready for everything.

"Please take care of yourself". Thoma said sadly.

"Thoma, I'll be with you, until death does us part"

Thoma smiled and continued Devlin's weapon's preparation. Devlin had a lot of weapons. Her collection wasn't boring.

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"You will be amazing"

Devlin hugged him.

"Peach, promise me you will be OK, please...". Thoma hugged back.

"Thoma, I will be OK, I will be with you, and I will never leave you. I'm here okay?" Devlin touched his heart.

"I love you... And I don't want you to hurt"

"Hey, everything will be amazing, as you are". Devlin said and kissed him on the cheek.

That day Thoma and Devlin were together everywhere. They tried to spend time in their favorite places. They watched fireworks, ate ice cream, and in the evening they were on the beach watching the sunset. Thoma fell asleep on Devlin's legs. Her soft hand was on Thoma's fluffy hair...
It was a nice evening. Two friends were together, on the Inazuma island, on the mysterious island. The girl was in her thoughts and the boy was in his dreams. How wonderful, right?

.Chapter 3 - part 2

Devlin's POV

Life is full of Discoveries. Well... It was a strange feeling when I heard that the world needed me. I felt like I was a big mistake. Why me anyway? why was the world's strongest creature one ordinary girl? But I wasn't ordinary anymore. When Ei told me that I was the only one who had droyo power, there was only one question in my head: why me? So... I was going to find the answer on my adventure. I should have known who was I. Or... What was I?

When I stopped thinking, it was the middle of the night. Thoma was still sleeping and it was time for me to leave. I put my jacket under his head. I was looking at him for minutes, then I kissed him on the cheek and left.

I went to my room. And I dressed up in my black Fighting clothes.

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I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought with smiling "such an assassin". Then I put other clothes in my bag, I took my weapons and went to the beach. When I was in the Inazuma's streets, it was like paradise for me. Memories came alive everywhere, every angle was important for me. All this was decorated with moonlight. That night was strange.

When I went to the beach, the waves were calmed down. I got into the boat. There was one man in it.


"Umm, hello, I want to go to liyue. What does it cost?". I asked.

"About 20 thousand mora". he said.

"Oh, okay". I said and put my bag on the boat, then I sat down behind the man and we started to go.

Moon was big and bright. Inazuma was beautiful from the sea. Waves were sleeping, I looked at Inazuma and said silently "sweet dreams". Then I started to watch at stars, I felt like they were telling me stories. I didn't sleep. I mean, I couldn't sleep. I was just looking at the stars and getting ready for a big adventure.

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