• Chapter 12 •

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Third person's POV

Next week, after the whole liyue celebrated their win, Devlin got ready to go back to the Inazuma. Childe was also going.

"It's your first time there, right?" Devlin asked.

"Yeah, I'm kinda excited" Childe smirked. "Oh, will you come to snezhnaya? I think my little brother, Teucer will like you" he giggled.

"Yeah, I will" Devlin smiled and looked at his ocean eyes.

In the afternoon they were at the harbor on the ship with beidou.
"So, little lady, where to?" Beidou asked. "Inazuma, captain"
Devlin smiled and the ship moved.

The whole way to Inazuma, they were laughing about everything. About Childe's little memories with his brother. About Devlin, etc.
they even listened to Kazuha's 'instrument'.
And in the evening when they got to Inazuma Devlin and Childe decided to surprise Thoma.
Devlin found him on the beach with Ayaka. She smirked as she saw how he was trying to kiss her. 
Childe and Devlin hid near them trying to hold their laugh.
As he eventually kissed her Devlin yelled.
"OH MY GOOOD, I WILL CHOOSE BABY'S NAME!!!" she jumped off the tree.
Thoma was almost shocked.
"OH MY GOD DEVLIN! YOU ARE BACK" he yelled as well.
They fell on the beach hugging each other.
"Who is he?" Thoma noticed Childe. Childe waved at him sweetly. "Uhhh, you know...err" Devlin smiled. "Girl, you got a boyfriend now?" Thoma hugged her more.
Childe and Thoma became friends so easily. Devlin, Childe, Thoma, and ayaka took a long walk in Inazuma.
They laughed a lot and even went to the party with itto.

A good evening was long and wonderful. Everyone was happy and nobody was nervous.
Sakura's leaves were making beauty in Inazuma.
Devlin and Childe were watching the bright moon from the balcony with his ocean and her cosmic eyes.
Who knows? Maybe one day, troubles will come. Interesting stories will take their place in their life. But
this time... just the ocean, cosmos, and moon.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed. Leave the comments, your opinions and thoughts. I really need your advices <33

Thank you again <3

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