• Chapter 5 •

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Devlin's POV

Morning. I was dressing up in my clothes. I was trying to wear normal. well, because I didn't want people to pay attention to me.
When I finished I looked in the mirror. It was normal.

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(Photo is not mine)

I got out. I went down to red stairs and started walking. There were a lot of people. I didn't know where to go, so I decided to read posters on the walls.

Finally, I found a poster about Fatui.


Our enemy-Fatui is back with strong powers. We have wounded soldiers. Fatui's soldiers are stronger than us. Fatui's king is going to kill Liyue. His son is his helper but we don't know who is he.

Captain Beidou is telling us to be calm. She is doing everything.

Lady Ninguang intends to strengthen the army. She is going to win.

Are we safe? Who knows? We have to be careful!


Well, there were a lot of questions in my head. Who was Fatui's king? Or his son? Or why did he decide to fight stronger at that time?

I was in my thoughts when someone touched my shoulder.

"Need help with anything?" it was an unknown voice.

I looked back. There was a girl with long light purple hair, short violet dress, and Purple eyes.

"Umm, yes, I need a little help. Where can I find captain Beidou?"

"Okay, let me guess, you are new in the liyue. What's your name?"

"My name is Avery". I lied.

"I'm Keqing. I'm trying my best in the Liyue. Well, I can show you captain Beidou but can I ask you a question?"


"Why are you interested in Fatui?"

"Well, I want to know what's going on here"

"Okay, follow me"

While we were walking, I was watching the people. all of them were talking. Once I heard, they were talking about me. So, people knew about me. I decided to be Avery. Well, for my safety.
We went to the harbor, there were Big ships.

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