• Chapter 10 •

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Third person's POV

Morning. Liyue was waking up with the shiny sun. In the light sky, there were few clouds.
But in this beauty, two mysterious people were together, in the same flat, in the same room.
They were trying to be enemies but it was almost impossible...

Devlin's POV

It was morning when I opened my eyes. I only slept 1 hour.
Suddenly I remembered Tartaglia and looked at my bed. He was still sleeping. I got up and went to the toilet carefully. There was my blood on the floor but I was so lazy to clean it, so I just went back to my bedroom and stopped for a moment.
I started looking at Tartaglia. His ginger hair was on the pillow.
I didn't know what to do at that moment. I was just standing in the room and looking at him. 3 minutes later I carefully started walking toward my bed.
Then I sat on the floor and started looking at his hand. I wanted to touch it but I was scared. Or maybe shy?
My fingers almost touched his, when he moved and I quickly got up. I just breathed deeply and realized it was a mistake. I sat on the chair next to my bed and started thinking for a long time.
Suddenly, he slowly opened his ocean eyes. I was looking at him and not moving.
He saw me. His eyes were only looking at mine.
Then he breathed deeply and continued looking at me. I could read in his eyes that he was feeling safe...

"Are you okay?" I said silently.

He touched my hand with his long fingers. Later, he saw a bandage on my abdomen and asked.

"What is this?"

"Nothing, just..."


I breathed deeply and said.

"you did this"

When he heard these words, he quickly got up and took my hands opposite his chest.

"Why didn't you hit me?!"


"Why didn't you hit me?!". He said loudly. "Devlin, answer!"

"I don't want you to hurt!" My eyes quickly burst into tears.

He stopped. And seconds later he slowly hugged me.
My head was on his chest.

I don't know the feeling that I felt at that moment. We should be enemies but, yeah... Maybe... I loved him.

"Tartaglia, I just..."

"Call me Childe"


"Call me Childe"


"People who I trust, I let them call me Childe"

"Why do you trust me?" I was in his arms again.

He stopped and looked at me. And then he said silently in my ear.

"Because I love you, Devlin"

I looked at him and breathed deeply.

"Childe, I... I don't know"

"Devlin, please, just, I know this is a mistake, this sudden shouldn't be real but I can't stop thinking about you, about your cosmic eyes, about your power, about your body... I love you. And I can't change this"

I smiled small and continued looking into his eyes.

"I have the same feeling for you"

He smiled and looked at my lips.

"Hah, I thought we were enemies" I smiled again.

"I thought it too, but here we are, in the same room"
He smiled and quickly kissed me.

Everything changed. Feelings, situations...
We just knew this should be real. But we couldn't change our feelings.

He told me everything about his father. About his life. About last night and me.
Honestly, I was feeling calm when he told me he loved me. Because I loved him too.
When he was looking at me I was falling into the ocean.
And listening to his sweet voice. Everything he had I loved...

Sorry for the long pause :))
I was just being lazy :))
Hope u all enjoyed <3

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