• Chapter 7 •

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Hours, days, weeks... All of these passed. Enemies were fighting. But it was too easy to fall in his ocean eyes, or her cosmic eyes. When their eyes were meeting, they were feeling something strange, none of them knew that feeling and because of this, they were fighting. But all of these were happening in the day, in the night why were together with their thoughts.

That evening, Devlin was walking in the Liyue and watching the people for a long time. She took a long walk in Liyue. In the middle of the night, she was going to her flat when she noticed Fatui soldiers at the night bar. They entered it. Devlin decided to go to that bar. She dressed up in her flat and then she got out.

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She went to the bar and entered it. There were a lot of Fatui soldiers. All of them were wearing masks. she sat down in the dark place at the Little table. Devlin was looking at them. There were women too. She was in her thoughts when someone put down the beer on her table and left. She was confused and drank it a little bit. 10 or 15 minutes later Fatui people started playing "truth or dare". They were playing dirty. All of them were choosing dare.
Devlin wasn't playing it, she was just looking at them.
Minutes later they drank a lot of beer and the game continued dirtier. Suddenly, Fatui soldier asked "truth or dare" to one boy who had a mask on his whole face. Devlin realized that he was Tartaglia. She was a little scared about it.
Tartaglia chose dare. Fatui soldier thought and looked around. He looked at Devlin and smiled.

"Go in the toilet with that girl, and kiss her. Then u have to be with her in that toilet for 10 minutes"

Tartaglia smiled a little and got up. He started walking towards her.

Devlin's POV

I was looking at his eyes. I had a mask but I knew I will have to put it off. But how? I didn't know. I was so scared. He stopped near me and He extended his hand to me. I didn't have any other choice. I touched my hand on his and got up.

"How beautiful fingers". He said smiling

I didn't answer. We went to the toilet slowly, I was breathing deeply, we were enemies, and at that moment I was going to the toilet with him.
When we stayed alone in the toilet, I leaned against the wall with my back. He was standing in front of me. His ocean eyes were beautiful but full of pain. I started breathing faster. I was scared.

"Get your mask off". he said.

"I can't, I have a lot of scars on my face a-and I can't"

"If we will not do it, They will tell us more to do". he touched my mask.

I touched his hand quickly.

"No, I can't"

"Why are you breathing fast?". he smiled

"I'm not, just get off your hands"

Suddenly, my mask fell on the floor. I lowered my head quickly and bite on my lip. Tartaglia was still standing. Then he touched my chin with his long fingers and raised my head.

When he saw me, he was confused. I fell in his ocean eyes and dived in it. We didn't know what was that moment. It was a mistake? I didn't know.
Suddenly he saw Fatui soldier, then he looked at me again, and he... kissed. I didn't have another choice, I just kissed back.

At that moment time stopped, I felt like it was a very big mistake, but the feeling was strange. He touched my back and He was still kissing me harder. but when he touched my leg I tried to escape from him.

"Stop, please, stop"

He stopped. I burst into the tears and sat on the floor. He looked in the mirror and he burst into the tears too. I confused. But when he looked at me with his eyes I saw his whole cruel life. He sat down on the floor in front of me and lowered his head.

"We are enemies and I made mistake. And everything is a mistake. Just kill me. You have to"

I didn't answer, I just got out of the toilet. I was going to the exit when one soldier noticed me. I tried to hide but momentarily he hit the knife in my Abdomen. I breathed deeply and tried to run. I went out, it was raining. I ran to the dark street. And when I stayed alone, I noticed a lot of blood on my body. I was so weak at that moment. I fell on the road, I couldn't walk.
Minutes later I saw street bandits coming toward me. I tried to get up but I couldn't. One of them had a knife in his hand. I couldn't do anything. Just I was looking. He touched my legs and started touching my shoes. I started crying silently. But moments later I saw the figure. The figure killed them and as I remember I just fell asleep.

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