• Chapter 9 •

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Enemies haven't seen each other those days. at that time there was chaos in the Liyue: there were some dead families. War, and one mysterious murderer who was killing people in the night. everyone was leaving their houses and going to other places...

Liyue was like an old town, there wasn't happiness. sun slept and clouds started to cry. the wet grass was making sadness and Liyue's walls were in their dreams...

Devlin was in her flat all day and just thinking. thinking about Tartaglia, about Fatui and Finn. she didn't know anything, where was he or what happened to him.

Devlin's POV

I was sitting in my room all day. I didn't know what should I do. I still couldn't understand why he saved me...

Once I went out. it was an evening with a pink sky. I took a long walk in almost empty Liyue. I missed that Liyue I knew. Children had sad faces. Soldiers were tired and stressed. I knew everything will be amazing in Liyue. I wanted people to be happy.

Honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about Tartaglia. I couldn't understand his behavior. But also, I couldn't feel we were enemies. I was feeling something strange and different from him. Like... Friendship or something...?

when night came in the Liyue, I was in my room preparing my weapons. later I went into the bathroom and started washing my hands. I was wearing a long white shirt and black shorts.  I started looking at myself in the mirror. my dark black hair was touching my back. cold blue eyes and burgundy lips were making beauty on my face. at that moment I saw the figure in the mirror. it was a person's figure in the dark bathroom. momentarily I looked back and touched the edge of the washbasin.
I saw ginger hair in the dark. I realized that was Tartaglia. He was looking at me. I saw revenge in his eyes, and I couldn't understand why.

"Do you miss me, princess?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh,". He started walking toward me

There was no place to go. I was just looking at him. I couldn't understand why is he doing that.

"Dark princess, with burgundy lips...". He started touching my lips and chin.

"What are you doing?" I asked silently.

"Trying to kill you". He touched something and quickly stabbed me with a knife.

I screamed and fell. It so hurt. there was a lot of blood on my Abdomen. I didn't know why He was so cruel and horrible.

"Before I kill you, I have to do something". He started touching me with his bloody face.

My tears started falling on my cheeks. I couldn't move. I was trying to get up but in vain.
Suddenly I saw something on his left arm. Something like a Little needle. He was still touching me. On my back, lips, chin, and whole body. I tried to touch that needle and I did it. I took out it from him, Momentarily he stopped and looked at me. Now, there was fear on his face. He was shocked when he saw blood on my body.

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"What happened?!" he screamed and momentarily fell on me. he lost his mind.

the ginger head was on my bloody abdomen. long fingers were touching my legs. All of these weren't like that we were enemies. but at that moment I didn't know what just happened.

I got up and covered my abdomen with a bandage, then looked at him and started thinking about what should I do. I was feeling confused. well, It was pretty bad when I saw his cruelty. and I didn't know what was wrong with him.

I tried to lay him on my bed and eventually did it. I cleaned the blood on his face and hands. long fingers were covered with dark gray gloves. he had a beautiful Eye incision. I remember all of my memories with him. but the feeling was like a mistake.

I lay on the sofa and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. later I remember Thoma, thoughts weren't stopping and There was chaos in my head...

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