• Chapter 11 •

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Third person's POV

It was nice night. Childe was sleeping on Devlin's bed. He was still weak and couldn't walk normal.
Devlin was sitting near to the window looking at the bright moon. There were little tears in her eyes.
She just wanted old times. Time when she didn't know that the world was dangerous. When there was smile on her face...
only one thing, that could let her calm down was Childe...

In the morning, Childe was still sleeping, everything was calm. Devlin was sitting next to him holding his hand. She was caring about His health all times, And Childe was almost feeling better.


Devlin was preparing her polearm. Childe was awake sitting on the sofa and looking at her.

''what?'' Devlin caught him looking at her.

''nothing'' Childe smirked. ''have you ever used bow?''

''er, once, Thoma and I were in the training club, and I almost killed someone'' Devlin laughed.

''haha, I use bow, but I like my swords more'' Childe giggled.

they both talked a lot until some loud noises cut their conversation.

''what was that?' Devlin asked.

Childe looked out from the window and saw Fatui members, and his father.

''damn it'' Childe quickly got rid of the window.

''what happened?'' Devlin asked as she saw his father in Liyue's streets. ''who's that?''

''he is my father, and we have to get out of the city right now. if he will find me, or even you... he will kill us'' Childe was nervous.

''I'm not going anywhere'' Devlin said. ''Don't tell me you are afraid of him''

''you have no idea who is he''

''I don't care if he is monster, or even God of everything. I'm here because of him. I arrive here from Inazuma and then, I met you. you know what? Where is Tartaglia I first met? you changed, wake up that Tartaglia, inside you. who wants to take a revenge''

Childe was looking at Devlin and thinking. then he touched his bow and said ''Fine, only to protect you''

''I don't need to be protected, I want you to realize your situation'' she said and got out from the flat. Childe followed her and they decided something.

minutes later. Fatui's King noticed a girl in the black clothes and polearm walking towards to him.

''who are you?'' He asked.

Devlin covered her Polearm into her power.

''Oh! the creation of the seven gods. and eventually they failed''

''If you want to stop me, I'm here and waiting, you are nothing to my power. give up now, and I won't destroy everything you have. or if you won't, don't try to upset me'' She said.

''I prefer to choose the second one'' Finn said and yelled. ''Soldiers, get her!''

''hhh...'' Devlin disappointed and killed them all with only moving her hand in seconds. Finn shocked. he just lost his whole army.

''So, like this huh? I don't think you will get THIS'' He teleported Devlin somewhere dark.

''where are we?'' she asked.

''in the light show'' Finn smirked and turned on the lights around Devlin. Devlin started to lose her power. she was screaming for minutes, and Finn was enjoying this. eventually she created dark shied around her and relaxed for seconds.

''you monster'' she said. her hands hurt so much.

''the light is everywhere; you can't run from this'' he laughed.

shield started to become smaller and smaller. Devlin couldn't stop it. she helped shield with her hand power. Finn started walking towards to her and stopped near small dark shield around Devlin.

''Admit that you are nothing. a creation of gods? power of darkness? who needs that? who needs eighth God? who needs weakness?'' Finn smirked. Devlin was looking at him. there was very strong revenge in her blue eyes.

''enough'' she said.

''sorry I can't hear you, because you are nothing'' Finn said.

''I said ENOUGH!'' Devlin's whole eyes became black. and her body started to change. she became dark Silhouette and turned off lights with his power. floor broke and they teleported somewhere else. it was Finn's castle.

Finn took his sword and started running towards her. Devlin hit him with his polearm. her body transformed normal. dark clothes were hiding her body. her blue eyes were disappeared. she fought with Finn. he could not get up. Devlin started walking towards to him with her black polearm. she was about her final hit when she saw Tartaglia bleeding so much. her polearm was up in her hand, under her there was Finn and in front of her Bloody Childe.

''if you hit me, the floor will disappear and under it there is deadly cold water. so, Childe will die too'' he laughed with his bloody face.

Devlin looked down at him and used her dark eye power. She started to choke him and finally before Finn's death she said ''long live the king''

she said as Finn died. then she quickly teleported to Childe and they both teleported to liyue.

people saw Devlin and started looking at her.

''she is back!'' '' she is here!'' they were saying.

Devlin removed all scars from Childe's body. he breathed deeply and got up. then he looked at Devlin and touched her face.

''are you okay?'' He asked.

''yes, But... I killed your father'' she looked down.

Childe smiled and raised her face by touching her soft chin.

''you saved me, you saved whole world'' he said and kissed her on the lips. ''you are world's God'' he said and touched her cheek with his two fingers ''Girlie, you have to look at yourself like i'm looking at you" he smiled and touched her shoulder.

Devlin calmed down. and hugged him. she could hear his heartbeat.

in the evening Liyue was celebrating. Devlin's dream came true. everyone was happy. She danced with Childe and did a lot of things. city was celebrating freedom for whole evening.

at the sunset Childe and Devlin were sitting on the cliff and drinking wine. they could see Inazuma. Devlin told stories about her and Thoma. they both laughed.

''So... what are your plans now?'' Childe asked.

''I don't know but, I have to return to Inazuma these days, Can you come too? I will show you everything.''

''it would be nice'' Childe giggled.

''OH MY GOD, you will come?!'' Devlin screamed.

''yeah'' Childe smirked.

Devlin hugged him and they almost fell from the cliff.

it was nice evening. calm and full of freedom.

sorry it took so long. <33

hope you all enjoy

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