Well Played

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Author's Note: This is a FEMALE SASUKE x Naruto story. If you do not like the idea of a female Sasuke, you might want to turn back now. .

Chapter Warning: Starts off pretty dramatic but I do promise a happy ending ;)

Eien no ai: Is Japanese for love of eternity.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit from this story.

Kyubbi's thoughts to Naruto are in Italics.

Naruto's thoughts to Kyubbi are in bold.

Sasuke New Name: Sasuke's new name is Suki. This means loved one or eagle eyed. I appreciate all the reviews; but hopefully now they will be more about the story and less about the name. If I miss any of them, Sasha was Suki's old name. I hope that clears up any confusion.


Helpless. That's what she was. She had used nearly every drop of her chakra to help Naruto defeat Madara. Suki Uchiha doubted she'd be able to move even an inch, no matter how hard she tried.

On the plus side, she had activated the Rinnegan and they had defeated Madara. Both of were feats only a handful of people had ever achieved. Downside, she honestly thought the Sharingan looked cooler. Oh and that whole she was probably going to die here thing, that sucked.

Her body was numb. She knew she should be in absolute agony, but it was like everything had been turned off. What she was left with was a floating sensation.

So this was dying? Dying wasn't so bad. She'd get to see her family again. She slowly drifts into unconsciousness.

"You have to help Suki, Sakura," Naruto screams out, in not much better shape than his dark haired teammate.

"I will, Naruto," Sakura responds and rushes over.

"This is bad! She's almost completely out of chakra. I don't think I could move her without killing her in this condition," Sakura says and starts to perform medical justu on the last Uchiha.

Other medics were rushing around the battlefield, healing as many as they could. People were being taken off on stretchers or assisted in walking to medical tents that had been put up.

Shizune soon rushes to Naruto's side and begins working on healing the blonde. Suki and Naruto had collapsed side by side, so the brunette and pink haired medics were working alongside each other. It was a race against time. Both young ninjas were more dead than alive.

"AHHHHH," Naruto howls out in utter agony.

"It's actually a good thing that you can feel pain again, Naruto," Shizune says as she pops a pain pill into the blue eyed ninja's mouth.

Naruto knew that Shizune was only trying to help. But the normally amiable young man, was in too much pain to care. A fucking good thing that he could feel pain again? Well she should experience what he was and see how she liked it! But the protest died on his lips, when she mercifully gives him the pain pill.

It took hours of painstaking healing, but eventually Naruto was deemed stable enough to be moved to the medical tent. A few days later, he was transported back to the Leaf's hospital.

It took Suki about at week long to be lucid enough to understand what was going on. She woke up in a hospital bed. The brunette scowls when she notices the chakra restraints. She'd been in the Leaf Hospital more than enough times to recognize where she was.

"WHY DAMMIT?! WHY," she howls out her frustration.

She had been doing what the Leaf clearly wanted her to do. Suki Uchiha had been dying. The last Uchiha had welcomed death's embrace. It would have finally been over. But someone had saved her. Someone had gone through a lot of trouble to have her survive. She noticed the date on the calendar showed that several days had passed since the final battle.

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