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let's go into the story ;)


"Well Gaara, I should probably get going," Naruto says.

"So soon? You just got here," the red head asks.

"Yeah. I need to figure out what the Hell Suki is up to," he answers.

"I don't blame you. Good luck my friend," the Kazekage says and escorts the blonde to the Sand Village's exit.

Naruto didn't know why. He just knew in his blood that it was important to get back to the Leaf as soon as possible. Suki needed him!

He wasn't sure why he thought that. Maybe she was just having a hard time with the psych evaluation. But he knew that he needed to get back to her as soon as possible. So he took every shortcut he could think of. He didn't stop to eat or rest. He made it back to the Leaf village in 2 days instead of the normal 3.

Suki settles into the hospital bed for the night. She thought she was safe. The journey to the Sand was three days to and three days back. Even if Naruto got Gaara to agree to the trade deals immediately, that was a six-day journey. At the absolute earliest, he'd arrive the day after the Blood Moon ended. So the Leaf would still be in one piece.

"Naruto, are you okay? Your eyes are all red," Suki overheard someone say from nearby.

Wait Naruto was here? Well, it was possible. But he would have had to not have stopped for rest to make it back this soon. This was possible, Naruto did have great stamina. Though there was no reason to rush back.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Naruto says, his voice sounding foreign to his own ears.

It had come out more like a growl than usual. That wasn't the only thing that was off though. His tongue glides over his teeth and he realizes they were much sharper than they should have been. His fingernails were now more like claws.

What the fuck? He was not trying to "Go Kyubbi." This shouldn't be happening.

"You sure? Naruto, your teeth," she gasps.

Naruto didn't realize it at the time, but the Sun was setting. The Moon was slowly rising. He did however feel warmer than usual. He felt his pulse racing with excitement.

It had been at that time, that he'd bumped into Tenten. The brunette had been visiting the hospital for her physical. When he saw the pretty ninja walk by, something inside him snapped.

"Don't worry about it," he assures the brown-eyed woman, as he advances upon her.

Somehow he instinctively knew the following information. Tenten was fertile tonight. (How he knew that he didn't know. Something about her scent. He couldn't describe it.) She was pretty. She was strong. Tenten would be a good choice. That and Tenten wasn't mated. All the better.

"Maybe you should see, Tsunade. It might have something to do with Nine Tails," Tenten says uncertainly, not sure she liked the predatory way he was walking towards her.

"I'd rather see you," Naruto purrs darkly and pushes Tenten against the wall, capturing her lips in what could only be described as a bruising kiss.

Naruto liked the feeling of Tenten against him. She was soft. She smelled nice. Tenten was cute. She was fertile. But something felt off.

His animalistic side wasn't sure what it was. She'd produce strong children, he was sure of that. Maybe he just needs more of a response to get her going. His hands begin to wander against the stunned ninja.

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