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Suki could sense the rage boiling off her normally cheerful husband. She decided it was probably best not to argue with him about going to the Sand. Gaara looked relieved that Naruto was there. She knew why.

The red head wanted to make sure Naruto didn't fly off the handle. This was a very real possibility. Maybe Gaara would be able to knock some sense into Naruto if he went postal. She hoped anyway. The brunette wasn't entirely sure if she could handle Naruto if he went on a rampage, in her current condition. She'd rather not find out.

"You can stay in my home, if you like," Gaara offers.

"That'd be great. Your place probably has more security than the hotel. No offense to your hotel, of course," the blonde replies.

"None taken. Uchiha how are you feeling," the red head asks.

"You don't want to know," the raven haired woman answers.

"You okay," Naruto asks, taking her hand.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," she says and sends him a reassuring smile.

"Good. What's wrong," he asks.

"Gaara will laugh his ass off if I say," she states.

"Oh come on. I doubt Gaara is going to laugh at you. Right, Gaara," he asks and looks at his best friend.

"I'm not suicidal enough to laugh at you," the red head replies.

"Mostly, I just feel fat," she says, making a face.

"That'," the Kazekage questions in disbelief.

"Suki, you are pregnant. You AREN'T fat," Naruto states.

"I know that. I said I FEEL fat," she replies, rolling her eyes.

"Isn't that the same thing," the blonde asks in confusion.

"Naruto, I would just let it go. Never discuss a woman's weight or even her perception of her weight. It is not a safe path to travel down," the other man counsels.

"Alright. I guess. Let's get you to Gaara's place. You need some rest," he tells his wife.

"Naruto, don't go into overprotective mode. I've made a lot of enemies in my day. One of them was bound to fuck with me, especially now. I'm not that easy to kill. Apparently, our baby is also a," she trails off, not exactly sure how to describe what their baby was.

"Homicidal manic," Gaara supplies cheerfully.

"GAARA," Naruto yells at him.

"I was just joking. It was self defense," he replies.

"Well it wasn't funny," the blonde exclaims.

"It was a little funny in a sarcastic dry sort of way," Suki offers.

"SUKI! You aren't helping," Naruto huffs.

"Mmm it's just fun messing with you. I'm sure our child is a goodie two shoes just like his father," she says with a smile and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him.

"God I hope so. Imagine if he takes after the Uchiha and has Naruto's chakra. The ninja world will never survive," Gaara states.

Naruto kisses his wife back. He was distracted by the very pleasant feeling of her lips against his. Honestly, he was definitely addicted to his wife's kisses. But who could blame him? Anyway it was because of this addiction that he didn't notice that the sultry brunette had just flipped the Kazekage off.

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