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Welcome back, guys!!

Thanks for all the reviews, votes and follows. This has been by far my most popular story. This is the last chapter of "Binding Souls". If you want another Suki x Naruto, The Challenge is also that pairing, and I will probably add more of them later on. Anyway, let's give everyone their happy ending here.

let's go into the story ;)


"Naruto, we are going to be late," Suki warns her husband.

"I'm coming. I'm coming. It's not my fault this time! I swear. It was Minato and Mikoto," Naruto cries out.

Minato and Mikoto were their middle children. The two of them were fraternal twins and 9 years old. Minato had been named after his paternal grandfather because he was blonde. It really was that simple. Minato had Suki's smoldering black eyes though. Mikoto had inherited Suki's black tresses but her father's eyes. So Suki had named her daughter after her mother.

"What'd they do this time," Suki asks and raises an eyebrow like, "Do I even want to know?"

"They dyed my Hokage robes pink," Naruto whines.

Naruto had become Hokage shortly before the twins had been born. Minato and Mikoto were natural born pranksters. They had definitely inherited that from Naruto and not Suki. There was never a dull moment in the house, thanks to them.

"You're kidding me," Suki scoffs.

"No, I'm not," he presents her with one of his now pink robes.

"Uncle Kakashi says that real men aren't afraid to wear pink," Minato informs them.

"Uncle Kakashi is going to be in BIG trouble," Naruto growls.

"Did you find something less...colorful to wear," the brunette asks her husband.

"Yeah, I found one of my dad's spares," the blonde man chirps happily.

"I knew we missed one," Mikoto pouts.

"Alright. Alright. Where is Yoko," Suki asks.

Yoko was their youngest and final child. Suki had wanted to have an even number of girls and boys. She got her wish with her youngest child. Yoko was four and possessed her grandmother's red hair, but Suki's eyes and skin tone.

Suki had considered naming her after her paternal grandmother but decided against it. It would be too weird to be named after your grandparents and so was your bother. It'd be like she was married to her brother in some twisted way.

No thank you. Yoko would do just fine. She looked almost nothing like her father. But she had a very strong wind affinity. Sometimes Suki wondered if her youngest daughter might in fact be a living tornado.

"FOX DADDY," Yoko cries out joyfully and hops onto Naruto's back. (Suki sometimes could swear that girl could fly.)

"I found her or she found me," Naruto laughs.

"Uh huh. Let's get going, we don't want to miss Itachi's match," Suki tells them.

Itachi was now fourteen and taking his Chunin exams, just as Naruto and Suki had done all those years ago. He had wanted to take them when he was 12, but had been away on a mission during the first and second year he was eligible. He had made it to the battle portion. Not that there was any doubt he would, but it was nice to get the formality out of the way.

Itachi was with his team. Their teacher was Konohamaru. Which was weird because as a kid, Konoharmu had a serious case of hero worship for his dad. But he was nice and a good teacher, so the eldest Uchiha wasn't complaining.

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