Somethings never change

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let's go into the story ;)


Suki woke up the next morning, basking in the afterglow. She shakes her head when she sees the remains of the couch. Alright, so maybe they tended to get a little carried away whenever they were together. But it was worth it.

Things between them had never been gentle. Well, that's what happened when you mixed a wind affinity, with a fire affinity...she supposed. The flames would just rage higher and an inferno of lust would materialize. She wouldn't have it any other way.

"Now what was that you were saying about Kakashi," Naruto growls out.

"Kakashi who," she asks slyly and kisses him.

"That's better," he says and returns the kiss.

"Mmm for such an angel, you are a very jealous person," she teases.

"Oh yeah? Well, what if I had said that about another woman," the blonde demands to know.

"She'd be dead, buried, and no one would ever find the body. But that's different," Suki answers without hesitation.

"And I'm the jealous one. Wait how is that different," Naruto asks.

"Because you are the Angel. I'm the Demon. I never said, I wasn't the jealous type. I just said it kinda contradicts that whole halo thing you got going on," she replies with a smirk.

"Halo thing," he inquires.

"Mhm. You know. You are always the good guy. The man who rushes in at the last minute and saves the day. I'm tempted to let them all know what you do to poor helpless furniture just to set the record straight. The look on their faces would be priceless," she murmurs.

"Shit! Did we break something again," he asks.

"Mhm. This time it was the couch," she answers.

"Didn't even notice," he states.

"I know. To be fair your attention was on me and not on the couch. Which is where I like it. Oh well, we needed a new couch anyway," she says with a shrug, getting up, and stretching like a cat.

"Guess we should go pick up Itachi," he murmurs but was tempted to go for around two when he saw Suki stretch.

It wasn't his fault that it practically screamed, Fuck me, when she moved like that. Sometimes he wondered if she did it on purpose or if it was just a natural part of who Suki was. He decided it didn't really matter. The end result was the same.

"Are we bad parents for leaving him for the night," she asks worriedly about their son.

"Suki, we left him with Kurenai. She's a mother. Hell she was able to keep Kiba's ass in line on her team. I think he was perfectly safe," Naruto reassures her.

"What if Itachi thinks we abandoned him," she worries.

"I doubt he thinks that. Suki, he's three months old. His thoughts consist of, "I'm hungry. I'm sleepy. Change my diaper, and that's about it," the blonde states firmly.

"You're probably right. It's just he's so advanced with his chakra. I can't help but wonder if his mind is the same way," she muses.

"We'll find out when he starts learning how to speak. Here," he says, handing Suki some clothes.

"Thanks," she mutters and gets dressed, along with her husband.

Meanwhile, at Kurenai's place she was currently suffering from cuteness overload. Mirai, her toddler, had never really seen a baby before. She was fascinated.

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