Nice Mate

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let's go into the story ;)


Suki had to admit, that she was somewhat impressed. Perhaps even a little scared of the whirlwind that was a small army of Naruto Shadow Clones when they got home. The real Naruto was laying with her in bed, while barking out orders to his clones.

"The booklet says we have to baby-proof everything! So make sure to plug up all the outlets," he says.

"Naruto, we have over seven months before the baby is even born, let alone able to crawl and get into anything," Suki says in amusement.

"Yeah! I know but I figure it's better to start preparing now. That way if we notice anything, we can have plenty of time to fix it," he chirps.

"Mhm. What are they doing out in the yard," Suki asks leaning into Naruto's arms, in a sitting position.

"Making a swingset," the blonde answers.

"Naturally," Suki replies dryly and kisses him.

"So what's it feel like," Naruto asks, after kissing back.

"What's what feel like," she responds.

"Being pregnant. Like can you feel them? Does it hurt," he asks in concern and curiosity.

"I feel a little sleepy mostly. It doesn't hurt. The Morning Sickness I could do without," she says with a sigh, enjoying the cuddling.

"Yeah, that doesn't look like fun. Do you have a preference? I mean if you want a boy or girl," he continues.

"I've never really thought about it. I always figured that I'd have enough children, I'd end up with both eventually," Suki muses.

"How many do you want," Naruto questions, noting the children as in plural. (He probably should have figured she'd want more than one with the whole Clan Revival goal.)

"Mmm at least three. I could go as high as six though," she answers.

"Six kids?! Are you serious," Naruto asks.

"Like I said, three would be acceptable. Why how many do you want," she replies.

"I don't know. I mean I always wanted a family. I just didn't really think about the number. But if six is what you want, well I'll go with it. I definitely enjoy making them," he answers and bites her neck playfully, eliciting a moan from his lover and the future mother of his children.

"You really shouldn't tease me. I don't know if I'll end up ruining the mood by vomiting on you," she states.

"Eh, it's a chance I'm willing to take," he replies and kisses the bite mark, his hands wandering over her clothed breasts.

"Mmm well don't say I didn't warn you," she answers, deciding to enjoy the attention.

"Do you think it's possible for me to use the bond to feel him or her like I do with you," he murmurs, as Suki reaches for the zipper of his pants.

"I hadn't thought about it. Maybe. But even if you did, they wouldn't understand what was going on. If you got anything, you probably wouldn't understand it because their mind wouldn't be developed enough yet," she ponders the possibility.

"Yeah, I guess so," he says pouting a bit, while sliding his hand over her stomach.

"Naruto, what are you doing," she asks.

"Checking to see if I can feel a kick. You know like in the movies," he answers.

"You idiot. Kicking isn't going to happen for a while yet," Suki explains.

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