Bundle of Joy

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let's go into the story ;)


It was a few days later and Mini Itachi, as Naruto called him was getting used to his parents and surroundings. He learned mommy meant FOOD and cuddles. Daddy meant silly faces, voices, and the spinning game. (Mommy watched daddy like a hawk during the spinning game. But wheeee!)

"Naruto, if you keep that up you are going to scramble his brains," Suki warns him.

"Awe nah. Look how happy he is! He loves it," Naruto protests.

She shakes her head in amusement. She couldn't deny that the little sounds Itachi occasionally made did sound happy. If he was hurt, surely he'd cry out, right? Besides, the loser was so cute with their son.

"You are going to be one of those moms that freaks out every time he scraps his knee, aren't you," Naruto asks, laughing.

"Damn right, I am," she answers.

"How are you feeling," the blonde asks suddenly.

"Better than I was. The drugs help a lot really," she replies.

"See? You should have used them when you were delivering, but nooo. You just had to do it the hard way," the blue eyed ninja teases.

"It was better for Itachi," she says.

"Whatever you say. Your mother is the most stubborn woman, I've ever met," he says to Itachi conversationally.

"Only your father is more stubborn than I am," the brunette adds.

"That's true," he chuckles.

"I think the medic is a little scared of him now," Suki says.

"He should be. The poor guy has gotten soaked at least three times," the blonde states.

Gaara knocks and comes in. The Kage was interested in seeing his Godson more. He had blinked when on the way there he saw a doctor wearing an absolutely soaked shirt in the desert. Damn, they really meant it when they said his affinity was water.

"You know your son has automatic citizenship for being born in the Sand, right," Gaara asks.

"Oh damn. Didn't even think of that. Well, we are Leaf Villagers so he's got citizenship in the Leaf too," Naruto muses.

"A dual citizen. That's rare for a ninja," the new mother says.

"And the villagers are rather eager to lay claim to the son of the savior of the ninja world and the first Uchiha born after the massacre," he continues.

"Hear that Itachi? You are popular," Naruto states with a smile.

"Perhaps you could humor them when your wife is feeling well enough and walk around the village. Let them see him," the red head offers.

"If they see him, they are probably going to think he's yours," Suki says.

"Not with those eyes," Gaara counters.

"Good point. He does have Naruto's eyes," the Uchiha says with a smile.

"You wanna go make some new friends," Naruto asks Mini Itachi and tickles his tummy.

Mini Itachi giggles and squirms. He had no idea what mommy and daddy were talking about. He was sorta getting used to seeing the other man. He wasn't sure who the man with hair similar to his own was. But daddy seemed to like him. So he was safe.

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