22. Of Sexuality

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After Xander AirDropped to my phone, he continued scrolling through the photos, and I became increasingly intrigued. We paused to tack across English Bay, and once settled, I said to him, "Need to go below – nature's calling."

Then seated in the head, I turned on my phone and zoomed in on the photo. Oh, wow! That's what I thought I had seen. Not just saggy jeans – stuffed ones, and I don't think he's smuggling a cucumber.

Like the huge ones online. But this is here – flesh, not pixels. Have to ease it in. Allow me to expand. What? Why did I even go there? Surely, my demi hasn't kicked in. No way! Not with a fraudster like him. So, why do I feel it down there?

Down there? Oh, God! How dated the phrasing. Why's my pussy purring? Is the bad boy thing real?

After I had peed, I caught myself wiping more than required. But not. Need relief. Release, or else I might be too eager. Not fully focused on the mission. Might allow something to slip. Blow my cover.

I picked up the phone again, propped it on a towel and let my mind wander while my fingers did their work.

Oh, God! So quick. So intense.

As my convulsions subsided, I shook my head. Never been that fast. That easy. Oh, God! But why him?

How fickle my demi. So many showing interest. But why Xander? Is there actually an attraction to evil?

While I cleaned up, I considered options. Detail my meagre holdings to him – let him see I'm not worth the bother. Tell Frank to assign someone else. Hmmm, that could work.

Milk this for a few days while I plot how to do it, though. Yeah, enjoy it a while longer. Been such a long time since I've – oh, God! How did I get back to this? Not had spontaneous sexual thoughts since I weaned myself from Carlos.

Stupid to have gone looking for others. Thought that if there was one, there'd be more. Hah! In my dreams.

But with Xander, there'd be no need to pretend I enjoy it. Wouldn't be damned as a cock-teaser, a prude, a frigid bitch. Again. God, so often. So many shallow men. Little wonder I gave up.

I'll take my fill with him, then slink away. Revel for the next while in experiences to look back upon, to dream about until my demi finds someone else. But will there be one? Someone who can charm me? Who's sufficiently patient for me to bond. Is there another?

I glanced again at the photo on the phone, then I zoomed out to examine the rest of him. Is it worth selling my soul for a few quick tosses? But with his meticulous thoroughness with everything else, I cannot imagine him being quick in bed. Oh, God. I zoomed in and nodded as warmth again spread.

Damn! I just finished cleaning that up.

I shook my head as I reeled off another wad of paper. Get used to it, pussy. We're going to be busy.

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