Chapter 12: The Battle of New York

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The Wormhole portal was opened in the sky above Stark Tower. The Tesseract had a beam shooting out of it, connected to the portal as the Chitauri came through it.

Yelena and Clint where flying the Quinjet into New York as Y/N, Natasha, and Steve stood behind them.

"This would be a cool way to die," Yelena whispered as she was the aliens.

The jet flew into the city as they saw Tony in his Iron Man armor flying by the building, dodging fire from the Chitauri.

"Stark, we're on your three," Natasha said into the comms.

"Headed Northeast," Yelena added.

"What? Did you stop for drive-through?" Tony asked. "Swing up Park. I'm gonna lay 'em out for you."

Y/N pressed his ear for the comm that was to Alfred. "ETA for the Batwing, Alfred."

"Approximately 10 minutes, sir," Alfred said.

The jet's gun was activated and then shot at the aliens that were going after Tony. Flying up, Tony used his repulsors to hit those that were coming through the portal with the Quinjet behind him. Gaining altitude, they saw that Thor was currently fighting Loki on Stark Tower.

"Lena?" Clint said when he saw the two gods.

"See him," Yelena responded.

The Quinjet then turned to their direction as they fired at Loki. He pushed Thor down and then used his scepter to shoot the jet, as one of the propellers on the wings was destroyed.

Thor then reengaged with Loki as the jet started to spun as it descended. Y/N, Steve, and Natasha held on as Clint and Yelena tried to get some control of the jet before it crashed.

"Hold on!" Clint called out.

"It's going to be a bumpy landing," Yelena added.

The jet flew down to the city streets as they avoided building and crashed into an empty lot. "That was another happy landing," Yelena commented as Clint and herself took off their headsets with the three others getting up from their seats.

"If they all end like that, I'm never letting you touch my jet," Y/N said as the five started to get into the street.

"Oh, c'mon," Yelena complained. "They don't all end like that. Tell him Barton."

"My honest opinion..." Barton said, getting a slap from Yelena.

"You jerk."

While the that was happening, Captain America and Batman looked up at Stark Tower along with seeing the destroyed debris from the buildings and cars.

"We got to get back up there," Steve said.

They then started to run, as Y/N shot his grappling hook to get a better vantage point. He then heard a noise from the portal. Looking at it, he saw a Leviathan coming through as it started to descend to the city.

"Update, Alfred," Y/N said into the comm.

"Four minutes, sir. Weapon systems are hot and ready to engage."

Y/N then dropped down to the others as the Leviathan smashed into some of the buildings. More of the Chitauri foot soldiers came from its body, ready to attack.

 More of the Chitauri foot soldiers came from its body, ready to attack

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