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Avira was pulling down the dry clothes from the drying area of their garden and folding them neatly in a cloth basket while looking at the sky as it seemed that it was going to rain anytime. It has been few days since Punjinn had seen the face of the sun and hence they had done all their washing works at once, as doesn't matter how much the clothes dried in air, drying those in sunlight was always better.

She heard a shuffling sound behind her and turned around to get startled. The same huge wolf stood in front of her, staring at her in a calm way. She didn't knew what to do hence she stood like a stone until it leaped forward and rested it's front paws on her shoulders, making her fall behind on the basket of clothes, and then started licking her face.

"'re a friendly wolf it seems...."she said and giggled as she felt ticklish.

The wolf stopped and stared at her and then moved a bit back, giving her space to sit up and it sat in front of her, leaning it's head on his palm as she touched it. Avira knew that the mini beast in front of her was wild and can get ferocious at times, but it failed to intimidate her, rather, she felt safe in it's presence.

"You're a big fluffy wolf,"she said and then murmured,"shall I call it something?"and the wolf tilted it's head sideways and stared at her, making her laugh and add,"cute! you're very cute. Okay, I'll call you Fluffy."

It seemed like the wolf frowned and scoffed looking aside as if it didn't like the name much and she said,"do you really have human expressions or am I daydreaming or drunk? Didn't you like the name?"

The wolf nodded it's head in a no and she got shocked and asked,"you understand human language? Oh My God! You're a talented special wolf. But fluffy suits you."

The wolf frowned again and she chuckled and added,"fine, I'll call you Rolo. Is that better?"

The wolf seemed to look down and think once and then it looked up and gave a nod, making her chuckle again.

"Do you want lamb? It's already cooked though. But there's raw chicken in the fridge,"she said and the wolf nodded a no.

"No? Then what do you want?"she asked again and it inched closer and lied down on her lap and closed it's eyes, making her frown and add,"you're a lazy wolf as well."

Avira caressed it's head and then rubbed it's neck. The wolf had lovely soft fur and a very known scent in it, which confused Avira as it was the scent of a deo which she knew. But since the scent was mild, she thought that she was hallucinating regarding scents as well now.

The wolf jumped up suddenly due to the howling of wolves from the nearby forest and passed her a look and ran away, leaping off the fences and disappeared into the forest swiftly. Avira stood up and walked back into the house, picking up the basket and turned back once before shutting the backside door.

Kiyara ran downstairs and said,"hey!"

"Done with your bubble bath?"Avira asked while giggling.

"Yep! When are we going to purchase our outfits for masquerade?"Kiyara asked.

"The Freshers Party you mean?"

"Yeah, it's the same thing. Masquerade is the theme right?"

"Yes it is. Let's go today itself. Cedric is sleeping upstairs. Lady bones! Let's call up Raayka as well, she can join us over too if she's free. Let's go,"Avira said while running upstairs, followed by Kiyara.


Raayka stepped out of the car and rushed into the shop where Avira and Kiyara were busy trying gowns for the party.

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