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Three Years Later~

A wolf which had a Swiss Coffee coloured fur, ran through the Punjinn forest. It had a small black bag in it's mouth and it came out of the forest and ran towards the Sehgal House and leaped over the fences, carrying the bag in.

"Wild mushrooms for Raayka, that's what you have stored in that bag, haven't you Ric?"Celia asked as Cedric shifted back to his human form and dusted off his vest, while putting down the bag on the kitchen counter.

"Yes! Aren't you supposed to go out with Dad?"Cedric asked with a chuckle while taking out the mushrooms and washing them properly.

"Yes, we will be going out dear, don't worry, you and your girlfriend will get full privacy,"Celia replied and giggled, making him feel shy.

"Come on Mom! I wasn't asking because of that,"Cedric said while taking out the container of chickpeas.

"Seems like my boy is going to make something for his mate,"Celia said while leaning against the kitchen slab.

"Yes! Chickpea Mushroom curry, and I'll top it with the wild mushrooms, and will make Roasted Tofu as well. She loves these dishes,"Cedric said cheerfully.

"Celia, let's go honey,"Advay said while walking down the stairs.

"Enjoy!"Cedric said with a chuckle as the duo waved at him and left.

Two wolves played around in a field of wildflowers, amidst the forest, the female wolf had a complete white fur, and it ran ahead of the male wolf, which chased it happily, and caught it in a second, before the duo dashed into the field, rolling o...

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Two wolves played around in a field of wildflowers, amidst the forest, the female wolf had a complete white fur, and it ran ahead of the male wolf, which chased it happily, and caught it in a second, before the duo dashed into the field, rolling on the flowers together, and stopped while changing back to their human forms.

"Get off me Rolo!"Avira said while hitting lightly on Rishabh's chest, who chuckled and replied,"no I won't, until you tell me when are we getting married."

"How about by the end of this year? My University will be over by then,"Avira said while caressing his face.

"Again a long wait!"Rishabh whined, making her chuckle.

"You have waited for years my love, just a bit more,"she said and he gave a nod before saying,"I can't wait to have you around twenty four into seven."

They stared at each other before their lips met, while cool breeze blew through the field, making the purple flowers dance to it's rhythm.

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