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"Honey you have to flee from Galexia," a teary-eyed pretty woman said.
"But mom......why?" A 9-year-old girl asked.
"No time to explain, but don't worry you won't be alone." A serious-looking man assured her.
"W-what do you m-mean Dad?" she stuttered.
"Where are the others?" The father asked his wife.
"They must be on their way," his wife replied.
"Mom! Dad!" the girl shouted "Where are we going?"
The man glanced at his wife before replying "Look Ophi, bad people are coming here and just remember that we love you."
"They're here!" Someone came in.
"Darling just take this bag, here." her mother handed her a heavy bag.
"We love you," the man kissed her on her forehead and almost dragged her to a thing which looked like a rocket.
"MOM! DAD!" Ophiuchus sobbed as she felt everything around her shake.
Suddenly both her parents fell unconscious, on the ground.
Ophiuchus felt everything going black and she heard a distant thud coming from below her.
Several hours passed and Ophiuchus opened her eyelids to see some young children and two girls in their late teens looking down upon her.
"Mom?.....Dad?" Ophiuchus muttered instinctively.
"You mustn't pressure yourself," a brunette with dark skin shook her head.
"Yes, you must take it easy my dear." The blond with the most unique eyes Ophiuchus had ever seen agreed with the brunette.
"W-who are you?"
"True, we haven't introduced ourselves," the blond chuckled "I'm Pegasus."
"I'm Andromeda." the other said.
"W-why am I here? Where are mom and dad?" Ophiuchus began to sob.
"You are safe here, Ophiuchus." Andromeda's expression softened.
5 years later
"I'm sick," Leo whined "I can't go to school."
"For the tenth time Leo, it won't work." Virgo rolled her eyes.
"I can't get up," Leo lied.
Ophiuchus dragged Leo off his bed, while he screamed and kicked.
"Your not 5," Aries said, smirking.
"He acts like a 3-year-old," Aquarius shrugged.
"I agree," Everyone else except Ophiuchus, and Andromeda agreed.
"Make sure to drop by the graveyard, and take these with you." Andromeda reminded Ophiuchus.
"I won't forget!" Ophiuchus tried to smile and be cheerful.
Pegasus had died a year ago because of a car accident. Ophiuchus felt tears streaming down her face. She reminded herself to be strong and wiped them.
"We know it's sad, but it's the reality," Andromeda said practically while hugging her.
"We are late," Capricorn reminded her.
"Oh right," Ophiuchus ushered the 12 of them towards the door.
11 years later
Andromeda had died 2 years ago and Ophiuchus had now become a writer.
"Where's Scorpio?"
"Probably in the kitchen or asleep in his room." Aquarius shrugged.
"Cancer can you do me a favor?" Ophiuchus asked her.
"Sure!" Cancer smiled "What is it?"
"Can you please give this blazer to Mrs Henning?"
"The mean, grumpy old lady?" Sagittarius rolled his eyes.
"I don't understand why you like her ophi," Taurus complained "She always tells me to be louder."
"She's right about that one thing," Gemini said teasingly.
"Shut up," Taurus scoffed.
"Cut it out you two," Ophiuchus sighed.

Cancer, somewhat reluctantly, entered Mrs Henning's small dirty hut.
"Um, Mrs Henning?"
"Who is it?"
"It's Cancer."
"Oh, you!" Mrs. Henning limped across the room "What do you want?"
"Um, Ophiuchus told me to give this to you."
"Doesn't she know I don't wear that colour any more?"
"So should I take this back?" Cancer said, trying not to sound as annoyed as she felt.
"I'll keep it, you can go now." The mean old creature grumbled.
"No wonder no one likes her.." Cancer thought on the way home.
A / N - Hey guys! I've been a little bit busy these days so I hadn't had time to recheck my chapters. I've realised that there are 7 boys and 5 girls. So I've decided to change the gender of Pisces. I apologise for my carelessness. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Yours truly

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