"I feel like an alien." (PART-2)

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The fire signs...
"So where do you guys think we should look?" Sagittarius asked.
"Somewhere where it isn't obvious," Aries declared.
"Sounds... complicated," Leo and Sagittarius remarked in unison.
"Never fear when you amazing leader is here," Aries grinned.
"Uhm Aries," Leo muttered.
"Yep?" Aries asked.
"Behind you-"
"Wha- O-M-G," Aries spun around to see a majestic stag, but it certainly didn't look friendly.
Leo gulped while Sagittarius yelled "RUN!"
The trio ran very fast as they were all good at it but, unfortunately for them, the stag was faster.
"Did you look at its-," Leo began.
"Shut. Up," Aries yelled while she simultaneously gasped for breath.
The stag stopped abruptly and a fire appeared out of nowhere and began to circle them.
"Guys, I think we're-"
"Trapped," The others finished for Sagittarius.
"Ophiuchus said we had powers...." Aries thought for a while.
"Wait a second, the fire's coming closer," Leo gasped.
"HELP!" Sagittarius started shouting.
"What are you doing?" Aries snapped.
"Shouting for help so the others can hear us?" he retorted.
"Oh good idea," Leo agreed and both of them started yelling for help.
"Guys it's not gonna work," Aries sighed and abruptly cried furiously "MAKE THIS FUCKING FIRE DISAPPEARE YOU STUPID ANIMAL!!"
Suddenly, the flames of fire, which were nearing them, stopped, seperated and created a path to the utmost shock of the three.
"Am I dreaming?" Leo pinched himself "Ouch!"
"C'mon!" Sagittarius urged and the other two ran after him, away from the circle of fire.
The sat beneath a shady tree. "Aries, what did you do?" Sagittarius took a deep breath.
"I-I don't know," she stammered.
"I think the necklace did it," Leo pointed out.
"Leo.... the necklace glowed right?" Sagittarius asked.
"Yes, it did."
"Um guys you might want to look there," Aries muttered while pointing towards their right.

The water signs...
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces were wandering around the forest confused.
"So um do we have a map?" Scorpio asked.
"Nope," Cancer shook her head.
"I don't understand," Pisces sighed.
"Neither do I," Cancer agreed.
"How in the world as we supposed to find a- wait no an egg in this enormous jungle," Scorpio groaned.
"We should probably see where we are using GPS," Cancer suggested.
"Done that, there's no signal." Pisces reported.
"You are fast," Scorpio remarked.
Pisces merely rolled her eyes, then said "Guys I do NOT like walking, y'know."
"Wait, but Pisces had no problem with wa-"
"Her condition," Scorpio elbowed her.
"Ohhh right, sorry." Cancer apologised sheepishly.
"My what condition again?" Pisces asked them, appearantly puzzled.
"Oh nothing," Scorpio lied.
"By the way, want some gum?" Pisces grinned.
"Um no thank you," Cancer declined politely.
"I'm good," Scorpio refused gently.
"K," she shrugged and put the stick of gum into her mouth.
After a minute of debating where to go, they finally began walking towards the east.
After 20 minutes of walking, Pisces sat down to rest for the tenth time.
"I miss the old Pisces," Cancer whispered to Scorpio.
He merely smiled, after 2 minutes they got up again and set off.
Soon enough, they found a river. "So what are we gonna do now?" Pisces asked.
"Let me think....this forest.... this crazy egg-hunt... everything is set up for us to find our so called powers," Cancer deduced.
"I agree.... so this river is-" Scorpio began but Pisces finished for him "A part of it."
"Exactly.... so I think that someone can- I mean has the power to help us cross the river." Cancer smiled satisfied.
"I never knew you were this smart," Scorpio whistled.
"I'll go first," Cancer said, changing the subject abruptly. She tried to wave her arms in a wierd sort of way. Failing, she muttered "Hocus pocus! Abracadabra! Wingardium Leviosa! Expelliarmus!"
Pisces had to put her hand over her mouth to refrain from laughing.
Scorpio was good at controlling his feelings, so he just kept a poker face, as usual.
"This darn thing!" Cancer screamed in frustration after muttering out about 50 Harry Potter spells.
The rapid water current stopped, to the amazement of the trio, and seperated just like the fire had with the fire signs.
"You did it!" Pisces cheered and Scorpio gave her an approving nod.

The earth signs...
These three, on the other hand, were walking for the past 30 minutes.
"Guys, first off - we don't even know where we're going, secondly - does someone have anything edible? I'm starving." Taurus added.
Capricorn laughed while Virgo said irritably "Taur, can you stop think about food for once?"
"Fine," she grumbled.
"Hey guys!" They turned around to see the water signs.
"Oh hey!" Taurus smiled.
"Hi," Capricon grinned.
"Oh hello," Virgo said rather nervously, then added abruptly "We must get going, bye."
"But-" Cancer started but Virgo was already dragging Capricorn and Taurus.
"Psst, what's wrong with her?" Capricorn asked when Virgo was ahead of him and Taurus.
"I don't know,...maybe she's avoiding someone." Taurus shrugged.
"Good suggestion. What if she's avoiding.... Scorpio?"
"She hardly ever talks to him-"
"Guys! Hurry up!" Virgo cried.
"Coming coming." Capricorn groaned.
"Oh my gosh, I think look!" Taurus pointed towards the sky.
"What?" Virgo asked confused as there was nothing there.
"Vi follow me quick and Cap stay here so we don't lose our way!" Taurus said excitedly and ran off towards thier left with Virgo.
After 20 minutes of waiting for Virgo and Taurus, Capricorn decided to go search for them.
The further he walked left, the louder some groaning voices were heard.
"Oh my gosh! What happened? Are you okay?" Capricon gasped at the sight before him.
Virgo and Taurus were hanging down from a branch.
"Firstly, I don't know what happened it just happened so... quickly." Taurus sighed.
"Second, do we look okay?" Virgo added.
"I don't think so," Capricorn smiled wryly.
"Also Cap, do you mind helping us?" Taurus said sarcastically.
"I don't know how to climb trees." he groaned.
"Please," Virgo implored.
"I'll try," he sighed and tried to climb the tall tree.
Surprisingly enough for a beginner, he successfully managed to hold on till he was three branches away from the girls. Then, unfortunately, just when he attempted for the last branch, he missed and found himself fall from a considerable height.
Capricorn closed his eyes, ready for the fall, but to his utmost shock, he found himself landing on a pile of leaves.
"Am I dreaming?" Taurus gasped.
"B-but science doesn't support this theory...right?" Virgo muttered.

The air signs...
"Gemini will you please stop fooling around?" Aquarius said irratbly.
"Look who's talking," Gemini scoffed.
"C'mon guys, relax for once." Libra said soothingly.
"Why do you have to be such a peacemaker?" Gemini and Aquarius said sarcastically together.
Libra just rolled his eyes and changed the subject "So how do we start our treasure hunt?"
"First off, this isn't a treasure hunt, second, my ingenious brain has come up with an idea." Aquarius said.
"I wouldn't call your brain ingenious." Gemini muttered.
"Excuse me?" she snapped.
"You can't blame me for being honest." Gemini smirked.
"GUYS! STOP FIGHTING FOR ONCE." Libra yelled attracting a lot of attention.
"This moron doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." Aquarius whined.
"Oh really? The last time I checked, I'm the most popular guy at school." Gemini tossed his head.
"At least you think so," she retorted.
"You guys are unbelievable," Libra sighed.
Gemini and Aquarius scoffed.
"You think your so mature huh?" Aquarius raised her eyebrow.
"I'm better than y'all." Libra grinned.
"In your dreams!" Gemini tormented him.
"I can't believe I'm stuck with two people who fight like 5 year olds." Libra sighed.
"Hey we're three! One, two, three!" Aquarius grinned.
"I don't understand how your so good at algebra when you behave so immature." Libra remarked.
"I agree with you." Gemini nodded.
"Come here you little-" Aqurius started towards Gemini.
Gemini found himself running from her. Aquarius didn't look it, but she was very fast. Gemini would've gotten caught by her if only he didn't find himself sitting on top of the tallest tree.
"Hey! When did you get there?!" Libra gasped.
Aquarius was so taken aback that she couldn't speak.
"Does this mean-" she finally said.
"I think I-"
"Found your power!" Libra finished for Gemini.
"What a wierd power, I quite understand why you are it's owner." Aquarius smirked.
"Oh just you wait and watch."

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