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"WAKE UP YOU MORONS!" Luna screamed at the top of her lungs the next morning.

"Let me sleep," Taurus covered her head with a pillow.

"It's 4 a.m.," Aquarius yawned as she checked her phone.

"My head hurts," Aries whined, putting a head on her head.

"What did you drink wine, beer or did you do drugs." Luna sighed.

"Champagne," Cancer replied in half-languor.

"Oh god," Luna rolled her eyes "I'll get you something to drink. Pack your stuff, and by the way, the boys are already up."

"No way," Virgo said in disbelief "Can I have a cup of coffee?"

"I'll have an energy drink." Aries got up slowly.

"Me too!" Aquarius said.

"Can I have some green tea?" Cancer asked politely.

"Water please," Pisces said.

"This is not a café, for god's sake!" Luna stormed off.

"You guys delayed our plans by at least half an hour," Capricorn said disapprovingly, as he glanced at his watch.

"What's wrong with you?!" The others glared at the poor guy.

"Shut up," Luna said from the driver's seat. The zodiacs were now seated in an old caravan going towards god knows where but all of them were too tired and not to mention sleepy to ask any questions.

"Where are we going?" Virgo finally asked a few hours later.

"To the UK,"

"Why?" Leo asked.

"To find a mythical portal," Luna answered nonchalantly.

"What's that?" Sagittarius asked.

"A portal," Luna shrugged "You don't know what a portal is?"

"We know," Capricorn assured her.

"What is a mythical portal?" Sagittarius rephrased his question.

"A portal that's mythical?" Luna laughed "Okay, I'm just kidding."

"You laugh?" Gemini looked at her in pure disbelief.

"Yeah I do Mr Einstein," Luna rolled her eyes, turning back into her usual self  "You just caught me in a bad mood."

"You were in a bad mood for 2-3 days?" Libra said.

"Whatever, at least I'm better than my brother."

"I can agree with that," Gemini nodded.

"Anyway, a mystical portal is a portal which takes us to worlds like Mount Olympus, Zoda, Ipa, Tama and in this case, the Underworld,"

"Wait, we're going to the underworld... that's so cool!" Scorpio said excitedly.

"Yeah, Hecate resides there." Luna nodded "But just to warn you, she's not exactly friendly."

"What do you mean?" Cancer asked confused.

"Oh, you'll see."

"Where do we find these portals?" Aquarius, who was listening quietly all this while, asked.

"It's very difficult to find these portals," Luna admitted "This is because they're always moving,"

"Every day?" Pisces asked.

"No, they moved from Manchester to London last year I've heard."

"So that's about... 150 miles?" Cancer asked.

"163 to be precise," Luna said.

"Why only major cities?" Libra asked.

"Good question, I think it's because it'll be harder to find them." Luna shrugged.

"So how do we find them again?" Aquarius asked again.

"You forget that I'm royalty." Luna touched a planet-shaped resin necklace around her neck.

"Now you're bragging," Aries joked.

"The necklace will show us the way."

"How?" Scorpio asked.

"It starts to glow when we are within a five-hundred-metre radius of the portal," Luna responded.

"London is a big city," Virgo said.

"I have several dreams about the portals' new locations every year. This year I had way more than I used to have, so I have the place engraved in my memory, however, the hard part is to find where the place is. I also know that it's near the National History Museum."

"So we have to search the entire museum?" Gemini asked.

"Um... yes." Luna nodded slowly.

"You've got to be kidding," Capricorn muttered.

"No, I'm dead serious."

"Besides, I'm sure there will be a lot of security," Virgo said.

"Trust me, I've done this loads of times," Luna assured them.

"And you did not get caught once?" Scorpio raised an eyebrow.

"I never said that. I get caught every five out of ten times and I'll have two choices - either to make up some story and act seductively or run, and-"

"That did not help," Libra shook his head.

"And besides," Luna continued, ignoring Libra "if the guards are suspicious, the lenient ones usually punch me in the face a couple of times and when they get no answer, they simply kick me out. The cold ones however are very good at their job."

"How so?" Aries asked, intrigued.

"They do some bad things." Luna winced.

"And you bear with them?" Cancer asked, looking at Luna sympathetically with new-found respect.

"Oh Herman came to help me most of the time.... but sometimes yes. Enough of that topic, kids." Luna said abruptly.

"I don't understand," Sagittarius looked confused.

"Slow kid," Luna remarked.


"What didn't Your Highness understand?" Luna asked sarcastically.

"How are guards in a museum so... evil?" Sagittarius asked.

"When did I say there were guards in a museum? Gosh, catch up kid. Portals are found in a variety of places, these being remote most of the time. I sneaked into North Korea once."

"Wow, that's a first," Aquarius said, amazed.

"They gave me a death sentence."

"That's kind coming from the fat guy.... what was his name again?" Leo tried to remember.

"Kim Jong-un?" Pisces answered.

"Yeah, him." Leo nodded.

"Yeah, well. It's a story which I'm not supposed to tell you kids." Luna winked.

"Ma'am, we're almost 18." Scorpio rolled his eyes.

"Any more questions? Gosh, you guys are one slow group." Luna cracked her neck tiresomely.

"Why do you have so many mood swings, no offence?" Libra asked.

"To keep up with your personality. Wanna stop at Starbucks?" Luna asked.

"Roasted," Aries muttered to a red-faced Libra. The guy nudged her and both of them got into a full-size fistfight.

"Break it up, morons." Luna rolled her eyes as she got out of the caravan.

When most of the zodiacs returned from Starbucks, the laziest one who was still asleep in the car, popped up her head and said -
"I smell coffee!"

Can you guess which zodiac the last one is? The answers are very easy if you're an observant reader. Btw, how are things with the book? Any suggestions? How was this chapter, happy or sad?

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