The Wierd Mr. Herman

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"This new school is like 3x bigger than the former!" Aries exclaimed.
"What's the name of the school again?" Virgo asked.
"Odaz High." Libra responded.
"Wierd name." Sagittarius remarked.
"At the same time, it's exciting." Pisces squealed.
The interior was even better than the exterior.
"Wow...." Was all Taurus muttered.
"Let's go to our classrooms!"
Their classroom was a medium-sized one.
"You're all late." A too-hot-to-be-true looking man of about 27 glared at them.

Taurus stared at him. Cancer and Pisces were trying hard not to drool. Virgo had on a blank expression. Aquarius was too speechless. Aries already looked bored.
"So how about an extra hour of detention." he smirked, which made him even more attractive.
Leo rolled his eyes.
"Could this day get any hotter." Pisces whispered to Cancer.
"This school is very different from your other,... typical... uh- academies.... Moving on... I'm Mr. Kliech, your principal. That's right. Feel free to call me Mr. K. I don't normally pay a visit to a particular class, so consider yourselves lucky. I'd like to know your respective names now,..." he explained, very fast and accurate in his English.
"I'm Aries." Aries, who was sitting next to Aquarius and Libra introduced herself.
Mr. Kliech turned a bit white, then regaining his composture, muttered "Aries, that's a er- common name I suppose."
Then Taurus got up, "I'm Taurus." she smiled sweetly.
Mr. Kliech turned white again.
"Hi, I'm uh- Cancer. Not the decease Cancer, if you know what I mean." Cancer giggled nervously.
The principal looked as if he had had the most spiciest Korean kimchi.
"Leo." Leo mumbled, looking away.
The already quite white man turned red now.
"This is Virgo."
His face coloured. His 12 students also noticed it.
"Uh- Mr. K, you okay? Anyway I'm Libra." Libra said.
Mr. K didn't reply.
"Scorpio." came from a quiet voice.
His ears turned pink.
"Capricorn here." Capricorn got up and said politely.
Thier principal looked as if he was about to faint.
"Hey, I'm Aquarius! You can call me Aqua!" Aquarius said enthusiastically.
"I-I'm P-P-Pisces. Nice to m-meet you, s-sir." Pisces stuttered pathetically.
At this, the man in front of them did FAINT. Yes, you read that right. Who the hell faints in front of his students, that too on their first day?! The answer is MR. KLIECH.
"Um... guys, I-" Capricorn started, but the bell interrupted him.
"Perfect timing!" Aries cheered.
"But, what about him..." Sagittarius raised an eyebrow.
"Oh he'll come to his senses soon." Virgo assured them, or rather herself.
"Let's go!" Taurus said, trying to be cheerful.
"Let's put him in the closet." Aquarius suggested when all the others left, so that there were only herself and Gemini.
"Uh- you sure?" Gemini glanced at the body of their so-called principal.
"Let's do it."

"I have Bio. What about you?" Scorpio asked Taurus.
"Aww, I have Algebra." Taurus said before running off to her class.
Scorpio sighed, "I wish we had the same classes." he mused.
"Hey Scorp!" Pisces appeared out of thin air.
"Guess what me and Aqua, have Biology too!" she continued.
"Oh cool." he smiled politely.
"Good morning class, I'm Miss Tesla, and welcome to another semester of fun learning!" A young, attractive blonde haired teacher smiled.
"I wouldn't call school fun." A boy behind the 3 grumbled.
"The teacher's pretty, isn't she?" Aquarius sighed dreamily.
"Not as pretty as Taurus," Scorpio revealed absent-mindedly.
Then realising what he just said, he quickly blushed and muttered "I don't like her like that or anything. I'm just saying it as a best friend."
"Sure." Aquarius smirked devilishly.
Just then, a good-looking guy with light brown hair and black eyes strolled towards Pisces confidently.
"Hey, I'm Tony. Tony Westham." He smiled and put his hand forward for a handshake.
"Oh hi! I'm Pisces,"
Tony looked startled for a second. Scorpio and Aquarius exchanged glances while Pisces asked "What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing! My late best friends' name was Pisces too so it's a bit of a er-"
"Oh," Pisces muttered, not knowing what to say.

"Good morning class, I'm a teacher and I'll be handling your English." The teacher is in a matter-of-fact way.
"Cool," One of the students said aloud.
"May I ask you what is the definition of 'cool', sir?" The woman coldly asked.
"Um I-"
"Stand up when a teacher is conversing with you!" She snapped.
"What a teacher." Leo remarked quietly.
Virgo siad nothing.
"I know," Cancer agreed. She felt rather awkward for being the barrier between Virgo and Leo.
"God, she's so attractive." Cancer stared at a person she knew she couldn't have.
"So we'll be starting with your bridge course. Now, the boy behind the boy beside the idiot whom I just spoke with."
Everyone had on a puzzled face.
"The guy with red hair," she yelled "I requested Mr. Kliech not to give me a class full of morons."
Leo immediately stood up and muttered "I'm new..."
"That's the most lame excuse I've ever heard." The grumpy English teacher rolled her eyes.
"He's right, we're all new." Virgo stood up.
"And who might you be?" The woman sneered.
"My name is Virgo.... Parker and I'm new too."
"We'll see about that."
It looked as if Virgo had already made her first nemesis.

"Oh my gosh Gemini, just stop rambling will you?"
"Excuse me," Gemini said, pretending to look offended.
"Your excused." Taurus carelessly waved her hand.
"I was not rambling, I was just telling you about my opinions on that principal."
"No wonder Aquarius cannot tolerate you." Taurus said in a mere whisper to herself "Anyway, I liked the guy."
"I heard a few silly girls yelled at thier teacher and got sent to his office purposefully." Gemini said with a look of disgust.
"Sometimes I really want to wear a wig and beard and say that I'm not a girl."
Gemini laughed.
"So have you made a move yet?" Taurus playfully smirked.
"Nope," Gemini turned glum.
"Gemini will always be Gemini," Taurus quoted as she unlocked her locker.

"So you have algebra too?" he asked her.
"You guessed it,"
"Hey dude, I see your new. Anyway, you look like your fit to play soccer." A tall guy came out of thin air.
"Actually I-"
"Who's this beautiful lady here." The jerk smirked and got closer to Taurus.
Taurus took a step backwards and said "Sorry, I'm not interested!"
"Yeah, leave her alone." Gemini interrupted.
The bot suddenly turned aggressive "Whatcha gonna do 'bout it, huh?", saying that he punched Gemini.
Both of them got into a fist fight until Taurus had to forcefully seperate them.
The jerk left grumbling as a teacher was coming towards them.
"Have you lost your mind?!" Taurus glared as she gave him a tissue to wipe the blood off his mouth.
"You should've let me break his arm." Gemini turned away.
"Oh yeah and get your stupid self suspended?"
"Hey, I'm not stupid!" Gemini argued.
"C'mon we're going to the nurse." Taurus rolled her eyes.
"I'm perfectly alright." Gemini shrugged.
"You call yourself perfectly alright with a black eye and broken nose?"

"So Gem already got into a fight?" Sagittarius asked as he and Aries joined Libra.
Libra just sighed and went on with his lunch.
"I heard Taurus had to break it up." Aries joined.
"It started because of her." Capricorn joined them.
"It's not her fault!" Aries said, defending her friend.
"I'm so excited for PE!" Sagittarius changed the subject.
"I hope the teachers won't send us on a 10 mile long run here." Libra grimaced, recollecting some not-so-good memories from thier last school.
The others laughed.
"So Cap how are you and Ari doin'?" Sagittarius smirked.
Both of them turned red.
"W-what do you mean?" Capricorn stuttered.
"Oh c'mon! We know EVERYTHING dude!" Libra smirked.
"Shut up," Aries blushed even more.
"I can't wait to see thier kids!" Libra winked at Sagittarius.
More redness, less response.
After a moment, Aries smirked "How about you and that Korean or Japanese or Chinese or Taiwanese or- nevermind, you know who I'm talking about"
"Which one?" Sagittarius genuinely looked confused.
"Oh, the one with really small eyes and perfect skin you were flirting with today."
"She's just a classmate, okay?" Sagittarius replied calmly.
Capricorn chuckled while Libra forced a laugh.
"I dare say she is." Aries said making her voice sort of ancient.
Sagittarius merely rolled his eyes.

Virgo was walking along the hallway, until someone shoved her into an empty classroom.
"Hey, who-" she stopped short when she saw Cancer.
"Shhh, it's me." Cancer said in a whisper.
"Why are you-"
"I think I saw Virgo here." Sagittarius' voice was heard from outside.
Another familiar voice joined "Hey Sag, care to explain something?"
"Pisces," Virgo mused.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Why have you been hiding the fact that you have literally 4.7 million followers on insta and 2.1 mil on YouTube and-"
"Shut up," Sagittarius shushed her, then there was silence.
"I guess they went," Cancer shrugged after several seconds.
"So?" Virgo impatiently tapped her foot.
"I want a direct answer from you." Cancer looked into her eyes.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
"I haven't." Virgo lied.
"Vira just tell me the truth." Cancer said, hitting the nerve. It was a name only she was allowed to use for Virgo when they were kids.
"Okay listen. Ever since the day of the concert, I came to know that you like Leo. But the truth is-"
"You really thought I actually liked LEO?" Cancer raised her eyebrows"It actually makes sense though!"
"Virgo," Cancer said running her hands through her strawberry blonde hair "It is you I'm in love with, not Leo."
"But Leo said you wished him luck for-"
"I guess I'm a pretty good actor," Cancer let out a weak chuckle.
"Wait where are you going?" Virgo asked Cancer as she turned to leave.
"I'm a idiot for thinking I ever had a chance with you." She sighed, then opened the door to leave and froze when Virgo said "But, I didn't... I didn't reject you, right?"
"So that means -"
"I love you," Virgo gently kissed Cancer.
It was a magical moment... that is until a teacher came in and screeched-

Hey guys! So sorry for the late chapter :<
So I have a question. Would it be okay to set two of the zodiacs with the other characters instead of themselves? Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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