Regection hurts

220 6 16

Libra's dairy

I love Ophi and all that,.. but how tf am I supposed to agree to this?
This is unacceptable! This is unbelievable! I cannot and will not digest this... but will I have indigestion then?
I swear, if Ari / Gem/ Algquariusknew I had a dairy they would torment me till the day I die.
Anyway, continuing my... uh... reasonable talk about how I completely disagree with Ophi.
I think I'm starting to act like Virgo. She's actually really nice and kind and not gonna lie... she's really pretty. Of course, I don't have a crush on her. Since I know I —— ——— ——— ———— — —————— —— ———.
(Sorry, those words absolutely CANNOT be revealed)
Oh no, I hear footsteps.

"Hey Libro, you done?" Sagittarius barged in.
"Yep, let's go." Libra gulped.
The two of them went towards the garage.
They found Aries arguing with Ophiuchus.
"Will you atleast let me drive." Aries whined.
"I would if you had your freakin' drivers license and we're going by taxi." Ophiuchus shook her head.
Aries reluctantly got into the cab. Aquarius was fighting with Gemini (as usual).Taurus and Virgo were talking. Leo was flirting with Pisces. Cancer was sketching. Libra and Sagittarius were on thier phones. Aries was listening as Ophiuchus talked to the good-lucking driver about how long it'd take and blah blah blah. Scorpio was eating a bar of Snickers. Capricorn was just staring out of the window.
After about an hour, they finally arrived at the Airport.
"Pisces get up!" Virgo gently shook her.
"What happened?! Did someone die?!?!" Pisces jerked awake.
The rest of them laughed and pulled out thier suitcases from the luggage cabinet.
Just then someone came up to Aries and asked her. "Hey, so do you like your mom or your dad more?"
"First off, I ain't 10 FYI. Secondly, to answer your question, I have neither." she glared at the woman.
Pisces was recording the whole thing while Gemini could hardly stop laughing.
The woman looked embarrassed and quickly walked away.
"I didn't know those YouTube people come here to record." Aquarius shrugged.
"Same." Scorpio agreed.
"By the way guys, I did online booking. I've sent your boarding passes in the group." Ophiuchus informed.
Scorpio opened his black iPhone.

Ophiuchus : Your boarding passes. Be careful.

(Just pretend there are links to the boarding passes here)

Aries : Dang it would've have been good to lose mine.
Virgo : Haha very funny.
Gemini : Was that sarcasm?
Aquarius : I knew you were dumb... but not to this extent.
Gemini : You-
Aquarius : Go on...
Scorpio : It would be nice to kick Aquarius and Gemini out.
Cancer : Agreed.
Libra : IKR
Capricorn : Can you actually check what's going on IRL RN?!
Pisces : Ot no we caht, dunt tby à aht eo
Taurus : I only understand three words in your sentence.
Leo : Is that even English?
          Pisces is typing....
Libra : It's been 5 mins, I'm genuinely surprised that Gem and Aqua haven't started another argument already.
Aries : Oh you've been mistaken. Can't you hear Quack shouting 'You incompetent moronic idiotic stupid dumb lazy foolish good-for-nothing annoying irritating little goose'?
Taurus : Phew that's new.
Sagittarius : Hey that rhymed!
Pisces : I'm so sick and tired of Aquarius and Gemini. They do nothing but argue. They make a very cute couple tho- (I know I'm gonna get killed for this). Anyways, peace out y'all! I bet you 20$ Quack's gonna murder Gemini by the time we reach New York.
Sagittarius : I bet you 21$ she'll get her hands on him before we board the plane.
Pisces : You're on.
Scorpio : This is getting interesting...
Virgo : Guys it's time for check-in.

Scorpio looked up from his phone.

1 hour later
"I'm going to KFC, anyone wanna join?" Taurus got up.
"Me!" Aries, Gemini, Aquarius and Scorpio said in unison.
"Who's paying?" Capricorn asked.
"Obviously, Gem!" Taurus grinned.
"Hey! Since when was I-"
"Oh c'mon Gem, we know you love us." Aries put an arm around his shoulders.
They somehow managed to convince him to pay."
"So...." Capricorn attempted to start a conversation with Virgo.
"Hmm?" Virgo glanced at him with a questioning look.
"The weather's nice." Capricorn commented rather awkwardly.
"I suppose so," she answered and a moment later, realising that he wanted her to start a subject said "So what's your uh- favourite fast food restaurant?"
"Subway, what about you?"
"I know some people think I only eat healthy food and stuff, but the truth is... I actually adore fast food although I don't mind fruits and vegetables." she smiled, then added "Oh and my favourite is McDonald's."
"Wow you really are something else aren't you?" Capricorn remarked.
Virgo merely smiled.
"Maybe I was wrong about her..." Capricorn mused while smiling to himself.

Meanwhile, Pisces was scrolling through Instagram.
"Dang." she muttered when she saw that she had lost 5 followers that day.
She currently had 670 right now.
"It must be a terrible loss for you." Sagittarius smirked as he leaned in.
"You don't even use Insta." Pisces scoffed.
"You are so wrong." Libra joined them, grinning.
Sagittarius elbowed Libra and gave him a look that said - 'Utter one more word and you'll find yourself dead'.
"What do you mean?" Pisces asked curiously.
"Oh nothing." Libra promptly said.
Pisces could feel something was up but didn't press it. She 'accidentally' dropped her phone and while Sagittarius bent to pick it up, she slid his phone into her pocket.
"Thanks Sag, your a life-saver and that reminds me, I need to go to the washroom cya!" saying that Pisces ran off.
Libra and Sagittarius exchanged suspicious looks.
Pisces took out his phone and to her dismay, found out that he had set up a password.
She decided to try her luck and started putting in random passwords.
"Oh crap, I've only a try left," Suddenly, remembering that many people liked to put 1234 as thier password, decided to try her luck.
Pisces could not help expressing a cry of delight.
She quickly searched Instagram and to her astonishment, found it. After opening, she went to his profile.
Pisces gasped and almost dropped the phone.

Cancer was looking at Virgo when approached her.
"Hey Cancer." Leo grinned.
"Oh hi Leo." Cancer smiled weakly.
"What's up?" he asked her noticing something wrong.
"I feel like Virgo's avoiding me."
"What? That's new." he let out a weak chuckle and in turn earned a glare from her.
"I'm going to ask her today." Leo revealed after a moments pause.
"What?!" Cancer's mouth fell open "Leo I seriously think you need to reconsider."
"We all know why." Cancer raised an eyebrow.
"It's now or never right?" Leo took a deep breath.
"I wish you luck, my dear friend!" Cancer grinned.
Leo got up and walked towards Capricorn and Virgo.
"Vegan can I have a moment with you?" Leo asked.
Virgo agreed, appearantly confused.
Capricorn knew what was coming so he gave Leo a 'good luck dude' and a 'don't you dare spoil this' look.
When they were alone, Leo gulped and said to Virgo.
"I know this is pretty obvious but I... uh- like you. I promise I won't flirt with anyone from now onwards. So uh Vi... will you be my girlfriend?" Leo asked, ACTUALLY nervous, which was very unusual 'cause he wasn't usually nervous... atleast in the public.
"Oh my gosh, Leo is this the place you confess your love to someone?! And I cannot be your girlfriend," for a split-second she thought of Cancer "because I don't like you in that way. I like you as a close friend and nothing more or less..."
"Oh..." Leo couldn't hide the disappointment out of his voice.
"Look Leo... you deserve someone who- who loves you back. I'm not that person." Virgo said gently.
"I-I understand Virgo," Leo smiled through the pain.
"I hope so."

I'm so sorry for not publishing a chapter while I could! Please tell me if the ending is cringy!
I had a very nice vacation. What about you guys?
Not to forget, the lovey-dovey stuff of this story starts from this very chapter! I'm so excited for you to see all the evilness- ahem I mean all the 'interesting' stuff in store for y'all.

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