'To the Underworld!'

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Luna quickly threw what looked like a white ball towards the outside where two pairs of strong arms were pulling her legs.

The hands withdrew almost immediately and Luna got in a split second before the door was completely closed.

"You. Are. Unbelievable!" Aquarius looked at Luna with admiration and respect.

"I already knew that, but thanks anyway!" Luna dramatically sashayed.

"Let's get to the portal now," She added while pulling out her phone to turn on the flashlight. She urged the others to do the same.

"But... aren't we in- inside the portal?" Cancer asked.

"Nope this is just a pathway that leads us to the portal!" Luna explained.

"So how do we find this portal?" Libra asked.

"Less questions, more walking please." Luna ordered.

After a few minutes they were able to see some light coming from a distant object.

"What is that?" Gemini mused.

"Seems like I was right. You do have a short term memory. Must be hard living with a brain like that. What did I say?" Luna glared at him and and the rest of them burst out laughing.

"Jeez, I was just wondering out aloud, okay. No need to get offended." Gemini rolled his eyes jokingly and continued walking behind Luna in silence.

The zodiacs got closer and closer as the light shone brighter and brighter. Soon, they were face to face with a majestic -looking glass elevator shaped thing, except for the fact that it had no wires or cables or any sort of thing connected to it. It looked very similar to Willy Wonka's glass elevator in the book 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' except that it looked ten times more beautiful and emitted golden light. I know right?

"Wow," Pisces breathed under her nose. The rest of them merely stared in awe before Luna interrupted the silence "Aren't you going to get in? We don't have forever, y'know?"

"I expected it to be beautiful but not up to this extent." Taurus gawped at the elegant structure before her.

"It's just there, I guess." Luna shrugged with a distant look in her eyes. She quickly snapped out of it and led them inside.

As soon as all of them were inside, Luna began singing in a marvellous tone.

There was silence in the elevator, except for Luna's melodious voice just wafting in the surrounding air. After she was done, she uttered the words 'To the Underworld!' before the elevator started to swiftly carry them away... to the underworld.

"Hello," Virgo came and sat down next to Luna.

"Hi Virgo, what's up?"

"Your singing was just so excellent! Even beyond that! But... I'm sure you must have heard that many times already." Virgo complimented her, quite awkwardly.

"Thank you, my husband... well ex-husband taught the song and how to sing it to me." Luna laughed politely. There was an awkward pause.

"I noticed that you were not very enthusiastic when we saw the elevator... um- it's fine if you don't want to talk about it."

Luna stared at Virgo and silently admired how mature she was at such a young age, "Uh- no it's fine. Actually, Damon and I have many of our best memories here... how he used to sing to me to make me sleep and... well I should have known better and cherished them." Luna replied with a small ray of hope in her eyes and a sad smile wavering on her perfect face.

"Oh... I'm sorry." Virgo held Luna's hand for a few seconds and they talked for a few more minutes until Virgo said "I won't trouble you any longer then..." and she got up and sat next to Taurus who was talking to Leo.

Luna loved her husband...and she still did. Virgo couldn't imagine how much pain Luna had gone through in the past few years seeing all that she loved going far, far away from her. Luna still had faith and hope in her husband, she believed that he would change, that he would come to her apologising for his misdeeds and that they would be a happy family again. But a part in her also knew that no matter what happened, they could never go back to how they used to be, but Luna was still in denial about that.

"She must've loved him a lot," Virgo closed her eyes and tried to picture young Luna and the young Damon described so lovingly by Luna, singing to each other and having the best time of their lives.

However, despite trying to distract herself, Luna's last sentence kept repeating in her mind as if it belonged there and she could not help but marvel at its meaning.

"Continuing to love someone who already broke your heart into a million pieces, is like doing that to yourself"

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