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"What I need is... Hades' magical helmet!" finished Hecate with a triumphant smile.

"Who is Hades?" Leo asked, confused.

"Stupid boy," replied Hecate indignantly "It would have been good if you had educated your little crew, Luna. Save yourself and don't ask this question in front of the Olympian council."

Leo turned red with anger and was about to speak when Luna gave him a look that said 'Do not utter a single word if you want to get out of here alive' and spoke up "It would be best if you gave them a little... introduction, Hecate. You seem rather talented at this kind of thing."

"I completely agree," Hecate smirked as she uttered a spell in Latin and the zodiac felt a churning in their stomachs.

"What-" Libra started but shut up when Hecate snapped "Shut up fool! Just listen"

The scene shifted to a young girl about their age playing a field, full of flowers. A woman who looked older than her, supposedly her mother, called her near and started to braid her long, luscious hair while singing a melodious ballad. Both the mother and daughter were exceptionally beautiful and surpassed the standards of common mortals.

"Persephone, daughter to Zeus and Demeter, is whom you see here. The older woman is Demeter. She never could let go of the poor girl. So, you could say that... Persephone was quite... protected and not like the rest of us." Hecate chose her words carefully as her voice took a harsh turn at the end of the sentence.

Then, something caught the young Persephone's eye and she rushed off while her mother laughed along with her wood nymphs.

That little something was a blossoming rose, which seemed to have lost its appeal as soon as Persephone plucked it

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That little something was a blossoming rose, which seemed to have lost its appeal as soon as Persephone plucked it. Suddenly, the ground beneath her shook and an elegant-looking, black and gold chariot popped out of the ground with an incredibly handsome man in it. The man then gazed at Persephone like she was a prize with so much hunger and lust that everyone watching this little scene thought he was about to eat her.

"Typical Hades. If you can't have them, kidnap them, that's his motto I tell you." Hecate drawled as she rolled her eyes "I actually hated how he used poor Persephone."

Hades dragged Persephone back to his chariot and wouldn't let go how much ever she kicked and screamed. Sadly, she was much too far from her mother to arouse her interest.

Then, the zodiacs snapped back to reality. They looked out and nothing seemed to have moved.

"Well then, I want Hades' magical helmet." Hecate declared.

"You want us to go into his palace?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

"You're catching up," Hecate smiled.

"But why do you need it," Libra asked.

"It's none of your business." Hecate snapped back.

"It makes the wearer invisible. But the last time I checked, you were Hades' right-hand woman and Persephone's friend." Luna looked Hecate in the eye for the first time.

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