Amusement Park

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"Okay you guys, just buy tickets to the rides you want to specifically see, don't waste your money on everything." Virgo said as she glared at the fire signs who wanted to try every single thing in the amusement park.

"But it's fun," Aries whined.

"Okay you morons be here by six, got it? NOW LETS GOO!!!" Aries yelled loudly as she lined up to get her tickets.

"My ears," Libra said while massaging his ears.

"Your ears are fine." Aries rolled her eyes when Libra stood behind her.

"They're not, thanks to you," Libra said sarcastically.

"You're welcome." Aries smiled back.

"Hey Cap!" Virgo said as she walked over to him.

"Didn't like any of the rides?" Capricorn warily asked her, knowing the answer.

"You bet,"

"We're kind of alike this way, don't you think?" Capricorn laughed.

"I know a place where we can have fun c'mon!" Virgo said while leading him towards a few small shops.

"You think you can beat me?" Capricorn raised an amused eyebrow at Virgo pointing at a stall with the classic balloon and gun game.

"Hello, would you like to try this?" The lady behind the counter asked "You get three tries each and if you pop all three balloons you get free tickets to the arcade."

Both of them glanced at the arcade and put their game face on.

Virgo tried first,she shot one out of three balloons while feeling stupid.

Capricorn, on the other hand, shot two out two balloons and when he shot the last one, it somehow landed at the feet of an old woman passing by.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Capricorn apologised, blushing.

"It's nothing, dear. But if I may be so bold as to suggest that you're doing it wrong." The woman said with a heavily accent as she payed the woman behind the counter and shot all three of balloons, much to the surprise of the small crowd gathered around them.


"The trick is to keep your other arm and your leg sideways, I used to go hunting with my father when I was young in Nottingham. Also, my dear, I have no use for these tickets," she gestured as she handed it over to them along with some money "Go buy your girlfriend some food. She's so thin that I'd have thought her starved if I didn't know better".

"No, it's-" Capricorn protested as she handed him the money but stopped when she gave him a stern look.

"We're not a couple, by the way." Virgo explained while smiling.

"Oh, my bad."

"The carousel?" Aries asked puzzled when Pisces told her to open her eyes for a 'surprise'.

"Yes! All of us used to ride it together, remember?" Pisces asked, excitedly.

Aries bit her lip bug still managed to smile. Had Pisces' condition really made her forget one of their childhood memories.

"Pi, it was the ferris wheel, you hated this ride, saying that it was too childish." Aries said softly while looking down.

"Sorry, I'd gone to get us some ice creams but I've got not money. Did you say something?" Pisces asked.

"Uh- it's nothing, well... I've got some money which flavour do you want?"

Despite a few strange looks, Aries and Pisces sat on the carousel holding hands while eating their ice creams.

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