"You Were Born This Way."

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I dodged yet another literal bullet.

"Come on!" I whisper-shout, "I promise I won't hurt you guys!"

"Yeah right!" One dude shouts, "Get the tank ready!"

Oh shoot.

BAM! I barely dodged the shot, and blood spurted from the wound right below my knee.

"Ow!" I yelp, hopping back. "Please stop! I haven't even hurt anyone yet!"

BAM! Right past my head.

BAM! Grazed my arm.

I need to find Dr. Krause, NOW.

"Screw it," I mutter, turning around and step over a few cars.

Yes, I said over a few cars. In case you haven't noticed, I am a giant.

Not really? I wasn't born this way.

Anyways, I look wildly around for Dr. Krause. The city is big, but I know that he's around here somewhere - I can smell him.

Sounds weird? Welcome to my life.

My eyes zero onto a lab coat disappearing around an alleyway corner, and yep - that's Dr. Krause's scent.

I dash over to the alleyway, and corner the man. "Dr. Krause!"

He flinches and my much louder voice, and looks back with a smile. "Yes, Rosin?"

"Turn me back!" I demand, "Turn me back to my normal size!"

"Why should I?" He shoots back. I hear men shouting as they spot me in the alley.

"Because the world is terrified of me!" I growl. "I can't live a normal life anymore... Turn me BACK!"

"Oh, kid," Dr. Krause laughs. "I can't change you back."

"Step away from him. Now!" A voice shouts behind me.

"Why can't you change me back?" I ask, beginning to get scared. My voice starts to crack. "Please... Change me back! I'll do anything!"

"Oh, I wish I could," He smiles, sad but still with a hint of malice to it. "But you're body just won't let me..."

Then he drops the bombshell.

"You see, you were born this way."

No no no no...

"You're lying." I mutter. "You lying!" My voice rises, anguish and panic taking over. "No! I was normal-sized when I was born!"

"You were never born." Dr. Krause laughs harshly. "You were created." A harsh word that breaks every memory I know.


"Dad!" I call, running towards him.

"Yes, Rosin?" He turns, laughing as I clutch onto him like a puppy.

"I'm hungry..." I say uneasily, rubbing my stomach as it gurgles, yearning for food.

"Here," He places a plate next to me. I smell it, and my nose wrinkles up.

"Ewww! Broccoli!"

"Hah! That's the only food I'll let you eat tonight!"

"Hey, no fair! You're mean!"


"Dad!?" I cry, crouching down. "What's happening to me?!"

"Calm down, calm down." He assures me, reaching up and hugging me. "You're just going through some... Things, that's all. We'll fix this, I promise."

He was up to my shoulders at the time.


"Dad..." He's only up to my waist. "I'm so scared..."

"Don't worry, Rosin Krause. You'll be fine..."

"Dad is here."




"Dad... You - you lied to me!" I sob.

My dad, David Krause, looks up at me with no sympathy in his cold, glittering eyes.

"Krause!" One soldier behind me shouts, "Just what is going on here?"

"You're seeing my life's work!" He laughs, gesturing to me. "A human, with fake memories, grown to exponential heights! All the technologies never before seen in this world!"

I don't see anything. My eyes are too blurry with tears. Everything was fake.

My life was fake.

I didn't hear my "dad" screaming bloody murder as men shouted around him.

Apparently he was arrested for illegally testing on humans.

But I didn't care. My life, every single second of it, had been fabricated.

To Be Continued...
To Be Ended Right Here...

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