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Merko curled up against Kayle's chest, unable to resist the warmth that he emitted.

Kayle grinned and gently lay a hand over the tiny borrower, resisting the urge to coo as his friend's tail curled around his fingers.

Like most stories of borrowers being found by humans, Merko had been trying to find some food, roaming the counters and shelves of the kitchen, when Kayle walked in, looking to get a cup of water.

Of course, it didn't take long until the borrower has been spotted; Kayle later had told him that his clothes were a dead giveaway, being blue against the grays and whites of the countertop.

Merko had, like most borrowers would, panicked, cried, and begged. Kayle would never forget just how terrified the tiny boy was, tears streaming down his cheeks, hands clasped together, as he stood on his knees and pleaded for mercy.

Kayle, being the good-hearted young adult he was usually praised for, tried his best to calm the poor boy down, assuring him that he would absolutely not kill an adorable little kid like him.

Thinking back on it, that sounded pretty creepy.

Merko had calmed down, albeit still on guard, and let Kayle introduce himself. They'd exchanged names, and to Kayle's delight, Merko had grown comfortable enough with him that, when he pleaded that the boy to come back and talk some time, he'd agreed.

Originally though, Merko had said, "Only once. And then I-I'm not going to visit you ever again."

One visit became two, two became three, and suddenly Merko couldn't imagine not having Kayle in his life. The human was cheerful, comforting, and supportive. Merko would never hesitate to tell him how he felt about... literally anything.

As they say there, on the couch, Merko curled up on Kayle's chest, they knew everything would be alright.


"Merko? M-MERKO!"

Merko's eyes shot open, and he woke up in a daze. "Y-Yeah, Kayle?"

He heard a whimper of sorts. "C-Could you p-please stand up?"

Merko, sleepy and disoriented, slowly got up. Where was Kayle?

"Kayle...?" He mumbled, missing the warmth of the human as his feet hit the carpeted floor...

His eyes shot open, and he glanced down. His feet were sinking into the soft carpet below him... but he just sat up from the couch?

He looked up, and saw the roof, seemingly closer, somehow, as though he could reach up and touch it.

When he looked around at his surroundings, he nearly fell over in shock.

The TV, normally as big as a mountain to him, was about his size. The couch, so daunting of an obstacle, was just the right size for him. The windows, leading to the outside world, were right at waist-height, and there was no doubt that the trees outside were much more proportional...

To a human.

"K-Kayle?" Merko stuttered, looking around for his friend. He'd know what was going on. He'd-

"I-I'm down h-here..."

Merko looked down, on the couch, and he gasped. There Kayle was, and he was tiny, barely taking up any room on the couch.

As tiny as a borrower, Merko realized. "Kayle, wh-what happened?" He asked, crouching next to his formerly giant friend, "Are you alright?"

Kayle hugged his knees. "I-I don't know. I just w-woke up like this, and y-you we're h-huge!" He felt tears rise from his eyes. "I'm s-so scared, Merko."

"Me too..." Merko said, and he felt a pang of sadness flow through him. He reached with a hand out, wanting to help Kayle calm down.

"Don't t-touch me!" Kayle cried, nearly in the verge of tears. Merko froze, tail stiffening. He wanted to help, but as he stared, he saw how he shook, how his shirt was drenched with puddles of tears.

He couldn't just... grab him.

"Oh... O-Okay..." He said, slowly putting down his hands. "Just take deep breaths, alright?"

Kayle tried, he really did. But every time he looked into Merko's massive face, he felt a wave of terror flow through him. Was this how Merko felt, being helpless under a giant's gaze? Fearing massive hands that poked and prodded, and dreading the possibility of death looming above him?

His breathing quickened, and he hugged himself tighter, not wanting to face anything.

As much as he hated admitting it, Merko was scary, at this size.

He jumped when something massive and soft trailed down his back, and shrieked when he saw Merko's finger retreat hastily.

"I-I'm sorry, I - You were so scared, a-and I just couldn't-" Merko started, but Kayle, in that moment, gave into his instinctual fears.

He sobbed loudly, curling up into the smallest ball he possibly could and scooting as far as he could, away from Merko. It was all too much, he couldn't handle it, the sounds, the feelings, the terror...

He shrieked as he was scooped up by Merko's large, unfamiliar fingers, and held in a gentle, but firm grasp. He blinked, too shocked to react, as he was pressed against Merko's tattered shirt, the borrower gently resting his long, fluffy tail on his comparably tiny head, and murmuring soft words of comfort.

"It'll be alright, Kayle... I know you're scared, but I'll help you. I'll keep you safe, I-I promise." He exhaled nervously, making Kayle's wavy hair flutter slightly from the warm breeze.

Kayle's sobbed lessened, and he gripped his younger friend's shirt tightly, too afraid to let go. While he was terrified, he couldn't deny how comfortable it felt, to be surrounded by warmth and protection.

Maybe, he hoped... this was how Merko felt.

He began to close his eyes as Merko rocked him back in forth. He let a goofy, tired smile rest onto his face. He didn't care that he was being babied. He didn't care that he was helpless...

"Oh, shoot!" Kayle yelled, abruptly sitting up, struggling against Merko's fingers. "Oh no."

"What's wrong?" Merko yelped, stumbling forward to keep Kayle from falling off his hands. "Kayle?!" His tail swished back and forth anxiously.

Kayle scrubbed the tears off of his face, all sleep gone from his body.

"I have to go to work..."


Had this draft sitting around, incomplete.

Who wants a part 2 of this story as well?

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