Modern Myths

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"Alright, so lemme tell you a story, Bap. It's a good one alright - a real one too."

"Let's hear it, then."


Bigfoot is a hoax. Vampires are fake. Werewolves are a joke. And everything supernatural...




So why was Kaliyir staring right at a giant?


"Bro, you said this was real!"

"It is! You don't believe me?"

"Giant? Really?"

"Argh, just... let me continue?"

"Alright, whatever."

"You know what, Bap? I'm going to start from the beginning. Make it a good story, you know? Give some context."

"Eh, if it makes you feel any better."



Around an hour before...

Kal had decided to walk through the woods. Probably for fun, or maybe just because it was nice outside. The moon glowed gently, and cool wind whispered across his skin.

When Kal stepped outside, he shut the front door, and flicked on the flashlight. A bright beam of light shot out in front of him, and he set out on his late night walk.

Dry leaves crunched against his sneakers, and in the distance, he could hear an owl hooting wildly. He swung the torch beam around, letting it glide through the dark night. He heard crickets chirping, the faint sound of the neighbor's dog yapping...


Kaliyir's head snapped up. Was that from the left? The right?

Behind him?


"Wow, now it's a horror story. Woooow."

"Hey, stop with the jazz hands! I promise it gets better!"


The flashlight shook slightly in his grasp, and he swore the forest grew dead silent. He heard something like... breathing...

His arm swung around, his gaze following as it hit-


"An eyeball?"

"Didn't expect that, didya?"

"So, this is fake. You admit it!"

"What? No! I didn't say that at all. Now stop interrupting!"


The iris alone was big as his head. He yelped, and tumbled backward. The massive eye also backed into the darkness. Kal fumbled for the light, and he pointed it into the darkness.

The light reflected off of a humongous face, a mouth as big as a car, eyes as large as he was tall...

Those eyes were dilated, wide and strange. The iris was orange, glowing in the beam of the flashlight.

"Holy..." Kal muttered, feeling terrified, but not to the point of fainting... yet...

The humongous face jerked upwards, rising high above him as a rumbling voice shook his insides.



"Aaaand it's a walking, talking giant."

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