"Kar", not "Car" (Part 2)

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His hands gripped the shotgun, fingernails digging into the metal as he aimed...

And pulled the trigger.

The giant fell down with a deafening roar, as his bloody, bruised body struck the ground, blocking out the sun.

Kar stood beside him with his pistol, grinning. This time, he'd put a few rounds into the giant. This time, he'd actually helped Weiler on a giant-slaying mission.

"How'd I do?" He asked, eyes wide with hope and excitement.

"You did good." Weiler grinned, high-fiving his little brother. "Wait, not good. No, you did great!"

Kar basket in the praise, feeling overconfident in himself. Weiler, all too happy for his brother's help, had become complacent. In that moment, he let his guard down.

The giant behind them snarled, and his glittering pupils began to swirl with strange colors.

Kar whipped around, eyes connecting with the huge creature. "What-!"

He was struck by nausea immediately, and he fell backward, groaning. The pistol clattered from his quivering fingers.

"If I am to die," The giant said triumphantly, "I am bringing someone down with me!"

"Weiler!" Kar whimpered, clutching his midsection as bolts of pain ran through his body, "P-Please, help... M-Make it stop..." He panted, squinting through pain. "I c-can't think s-straight...

Weiler raised the shotgun, and fire it directly into the giant's smirking face. The titanic figure finally collapsed, eyes glazing over, still wide with cruel glee. Blood covered the ground it laid upon.

"Kar!" Weiler wailed, running over to his brother, who was on his hands and knees, clutching his heart. "Are you alright? A-Answer me!"

"I-I..." Kar felt sweat bead on his forehead. "You n-need to... get..."

"You need to get away from here!"

The younger boy shoved Weiler back, as his body convulsed and expanded. "Weiler, r-run!"

Weiler, shaking with surprise and fear, grabbed his trusty shotgun, and fled, as the forest behind him exploded, and a roar filled the evening sky.


Weiler woke up in a daze, hungover and confused.

He stumbled over to the nightstand, and was able to barely make out a note, probably left by Hal.

Had to go deliver some packages to some people across town. There's water if you need it.

Weiler didn't really think about much when he chugged down the bottles of water. But a few thoughts never left his mind.


Last night...

"His name was... Kar? With, like, a 'K'?" Hal whispered quietly, head filled with questions.

"Yeah..." Weiler groaned, sitting on the bed. "I just wish I c-could've been there to help him. Now he's a g-giant rampaging monster that'll kill me..." His eyes darkened. "...Or that I'll have to k-kill."

Hal chewed on his lip. "Ah, well, you know how I was late coming back today?"

Weiler nodded in acknowledgment, but said nothing, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks as he relived the memories.

"I, uh, actually got lost in the forest. Maps didn't work, signal was absolute trash, and it was getting sort of dark."

Weiler nodded again. "And...?"

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