Bug Spray

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Liam cringed from the safety of the walls as he watched the human spray the ant with the large canister of bug spray.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He kept on saying as he closed his eyes and pressed the button again and again. "I don't want to do this, I'm honest!"

But Liam knew differently. Despite his words, the human kept on doing it. No motivation other than to kill what was smaller than him.

That's what all humans did.

"I promise..." He heard the human whisper to a lone ant that didn't get killed. It bumbled around nervously, bumping into its dead friends and family. "I promise that I didn't want to do it."

The human looked deeply unsettled as it studied the ant - Liam could've sworn it was chittering mournfully - but eventually stood up and set the can down on the floor, stomping away like the loud human he was, leaving the ant on the floor.

Liam couldn't help but imagine himself in the ant's place. Alone, in a dangerous place, with the corpses of his family members and best friends. He shuddered, remembering all the more why he needed to stay hidden from the human.

When he was sure the human was gone from the room, he darted over to the ant. It looked up at him, and Liam could see sorrow in its black, shallow eyes. If ants could cry, Liam was sure the ant would be weeping.

"Are you ok, little guy?" He whispered, petting its head. It chattered, and shied away from his hand for a moment, then promptly sank into his touch as it shivered.

"I know how you feel." Liam said as he comforted the poor ant. "The humans are dangerous. I'm so sorry they got your family."

The ant squeaked and rubbed against his hand, looking at him trustingly.

"Do you... want me to take you in?" Liam asked hesitantly, gesturing to the hole. "I-I can take care of you, if you want."

The ant tilted its head curiously at the hole, and looked back at him. Then it circled around his legs and plopped down right next to him.

"I'll take that as a yes..." Liam grinned. He was determined to help the ant recover from its losses.

It would never have to run into that monstrous human ever again.


"Gabe!" Liam called as he finished the last of his food. "Gabe?" His eyes brightened as Gabe popped its head out from around a corner, the small shiny stripe on its back glinted in the dim light.

"Hey, buddy!" He laughed as the ant leaped onto him, knocking him over, and squeaking as it danced around him. "I'm going to go borrowing for some food again."

Gabe sat back down on its back legs, its antennae drooping.

"I know, Gabe." Liam sighed. "It's dangerous. But I'll be back in a flash!" He pat Gabe's hard shell, and it shivered in delight. "Just stay here." With that, Liam slipped out of sight, and scurried through the tunnels that led to the kitchen.

He paused when he heard the loud rumble of the giant human.

"Momma, I know! You don't have to say it so many times!"

Another voice that Liam knew as the human's mother said something, and the human groaned.

"But I don't like killing the ants! Why can't you do it?" He gazed at his hands, which were probably twice as big as Liam. "They're so cute. I don't want to be... responsible for their deaths."

Liam scoffed. That human alone caused the death of millions! Why would it matter if he felt bad now? He probably didn't feel guilty then.

Just then, the human sighed, and went to the living room, talking about "loud television". Liam perked up. The perfect opportunity!

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