Chapter 27

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A couple urgent knocks at the door of the lavish penthouse and Xavier was let in by a maid who scurried away immediately after pointing him towards the living room space.
He felt extremely suffocated by the suit he hadn't had a chance to change out of.

What was an hour felt like ages as his team wotked nonstop to get him the key information he learned, after that he couldn't recall much other than the rage coursing through his veins blinding him to the outside world. He felt stupid and used- but mostly angry and deceived. It was past one in the morning, the skies were just as dark and the streets as uneventful as he'd last seen them. Walking inside with purposeful steps, he came to a stop beside the luxurious love seat with a view.

"It took you long enough my dear." Stella perched on the sofa with feline grace and confidence. Dressed in a silk robe and no make-up on her face, shocked Xavier into the realization of how inappropriatly intimate this seemed, something he would usually never think about. Though he had come with a clear purpose, and he was going to get straight to the point.

"Why?" He asked, body tense and eyes fixed darkly on Stella's.

She arched a brow at him in confusion- an orchestrated move, Xavier could tell. She tucked her legs under her and pat the spot beskde her. "Xavier chéri, you look awfully tired. Take a seat at least."

"Don't f***ing play with me right now Stella!" He seethed in contained anger. He trusted her, and if he loathed one thing the most it was being betrayed. "I asked you a clear question."

She sighed and ran a hand through her locks, assessing him from head to toe then shrugging. "Fine, stay upright like that, je m'en fiches."

Xavier ground his teeth, taking deep breaths to stay calm and focused. He might as well state the purpose of this visit and leave as soon as he could. "I'm buying that piece of land. Name your price, I don't care." She was about to speak when he held up a hand fixing her with a narrow gaze, "It is not open for negotiation and I am not asking, Stella. You'd be smarter than to fight me on this because trust me, you will regret it."

She blinked a couple times then stood from her settee and walked up to him tutting. "Xavier, mon beau, you disappoint me." She started fixing the crooked collars of his shirt. "There is no need for threats because I was planning to sell it to you anyway."

Xavier stopped her hands where they smoother down his shirt and took them off hinself, breaking contact. "What is it that you want?" He knew there was always a catch with everything she offered. She didn't do things for charity or out of the goodness of her heart. She was a cunning businesswoman for a reason afterall.

"So little faith in me, my dear." She shook her head and turned to the alcohol mini bar station at the corner, pouring two glasses of whiskey. She took her time, enough time usually that would get someone who wasn't used to her antiques sweating and wondering, but not Xavier. He fixed his cufflinks and thought carefully about the conversation they might get into. Stella came back with drinks for the two of them. He took his and held it tightly in his hand. He had no intention of drinking.

"Relax," She chuckled, sitting again facing the window. Xavier took a seat leaving space between them. She turned to him. "You know you are incredibly intimidating when you get like this. May I know why you are so angry with me?"

He gave her a meaningful look, "I have never known you to be dense nor a liar, Stella."

"Ah, so crass today." She shook her head in disapproval. "Et je suppose, you are this mad because I bought that land? Big deal, Xavier."

"There are a few key informations you omitted from that description." He corrected, "You knew that land was for Helena's project that you are sponsoring, and you went behind both of our backs to buy the land from her husband who, by way of mentioning, doesn't even own said land, and is looking for any excuse to jeopardize what we have- what Helena worked so hard for."

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