Chapter 3

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Lunch was an awkward affair. At least it didn't last longer than it had to. Zach and his assistant drove to the closest headquarters to check on how things were going and quote unquote 'do some work'.

Alessandro thought it probably meant his dad was parading the next city with his newest toy, but he kept his thoughts to himself. He could not stand the level of insolence for his dad to bring the woman to their family home. He couldn't that his mom didn't so much as comment about it... He knew things were bad between her and their father, but he didn't know they were this tragic.

In the evening, the siblings sat with their mother in the reading room -a smaller living room that was not meant for guests- so they could catch up and spend some quality time together, with the exception of Amber, that hasn't come down from her room.

Ales was considering going up to call her when Helena told him to stay with his siblings. She needed to speak to her sooner or later, so she went up to her daughter's room and knocked and waited. Amber stood in front of her a moment later, clad in a short dress that barely left anything to the imagination, her hair and makeup boldly done. Helena paced inside her daughter's room and took a deep breath, sitting on a corner of the bed.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked the twenty year old who was fixing her hair in the mirror.

"I'm going to town to meet up with friends." She replied.

"I'm sure your friends can wait a bit. They would understand that you'll be spending time with your family for the holidays." Wren answered with a little smile observing the young woman quietly.

Amber's eyes sparked with ill hidden irritation. "It's not a competition ,mom. I'll be here the entirety of winter break. I will have plenty of time to spend with my siblings." She made her way to her closet to grab her purse.

"You're right, but we would all appreciate it if you at least spend your first day here with us. We all missed you" Wren sighed knowing this conversation is heading nowhere. 

"I'm sure I won't be that missed, with Alessandro filling for me." Amber faced her mother with a silent dare, "He's more than enough for the both of us. After all, no one really cares about the 'spoilt daddy's girl' ."

Wren frowned getting to her feet and approaching her, "Nobody ever said anything of the sort, Amber. What are you on about?"

"Just because nobody said it doesn't mean they're not thinking it. You think I don't notice how differently you treat me compared to Ales, or even my other siblings? I'm not a child anymore. I don't need to live in Ales's shadow or always side with you to get your attention. I'm over it. I'm sorry if I'm not as prone to believing your narrative like a gullible little girl and actually have a good relationship with my father. Maybe that's why I'm not a favourite isn't it, because I'm immune to your influence?" Amber raged.

Wren stood in horror, wide eyed and caught by suprise. She found herself staring at her daughter without a semblance of a response in her mind. Her bubbling anger turned her sour towards herself as she processed what Amber was saying. Where did she go wrong? Had she really made her feel so alienated from her family? She gulped down her rising panic and approached the girl carefully, her voice wavering, "What... I- Amber, you cannot possibly believe that baby. I could- would never think that way about you. I am glad of your relationship with your father. I can never spite you for it." Amber didn't seem to be having any of it. In fact, she seemed to have turned a decisively deaf ear to her mother's words. "You and Ales, and Len and Ophelia, you're all one and the same to me. Where did you get the notion that I get to choose favourites? What  did I do that you might think I will hold it against you if you're on good terms with your dad?"

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