Chapter 4

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'Helena, did I wake you?' the deep comforting voice of her only friend came through the speaker. She hadn't heard from Xavier in a long while, and in the wake of the eventful week she'd had, it completely escaped her to call and check up on him. She paced to the her bedroom balcony careful not to wake Ophelia.

'No I have not slept yet. Xavier, how are you?' she smiled, drawing the blanket in the swing-chair over her shoulders as she sat, rocking back and forth gently.

He sighed, 'Good- better now. It's been an awful business week.'

'Looks like we both had a rough time.' she chuckled.

'Why? Is everything alright? Are the kids alright?' he queried.

'Relax. The children are okay.' she looked up at the dark sky, wondering if she should weigh him with her troubles, 'Ales and Amber are here for the holidays.'

'Well that's good isn't it? You must have missed them immensely. I know I did.' He chuckled.

'Mhmm' Helena hummed, 'I don't suppose you'll be able to make it back for the holidays?'

'I suppose not, to my chagrin.' he huffed, 'My loss really. I'll miss out on your decadent christmas roast dinner.'

'You poor thing,' she laughed, 'It indeed is your loss.'

'Something is on your mind, I can tell.' He switched to a serious, but warmer, tone, 'Tell me what it is.'

'Xavier, you do not need to worry yourself with my silly issues on top of yours- she started.

He cut her, 'Helen, don't do that. We talked about this before. I want you to be alright, and if you're not, then I want to know that too. Talk to me.'

She expelled a long resigned breath, 'Zach was here,' she noticed his silence on the other end. 'With his newest assistant... He brought her to our home, Xav. Mine and my children's.' she gritted her teeth.

His silence, if Helena knew him at all -which she did for more years than she can count- was indicative enough of the dark switch in his mood. She heard distant swearing from the phone. 'How do you feel?'

'You can imagine...' she bit her lip, willing her voice to stay neutral and her tears away, 'I don't know how we got here...'

'What did he do, Helen?' She could almost imagine him pacing with barely contained anger.

She chuckled bitterly, 'Other than insult me and disrespect my children?'

'Helena,' he pleaded, exasperated, 'If he did anything, I swear-

'Xavier,' she said quietly, feeling all fight leave her body, 'He left- well, I kicked his entertainment out, and as he does... He followed right out.'

Xavier stayed silent, breathing heavily. She whispered, 'I don't know why it even surprises me at this point... how low he can stoop.'

'Please, tell me you'll be okay,' he pleaded deafeatedly, 'I know you want me to stay out of it, but I need you to be okay.'

'I am.' Maybe if she said it enough times it will be true, 'I have my children with me, what else can I ask for, right?'

'God damn it, Helen.' Xavier whispered, 'Damn him to hell.'

'I am okay,' she told him once more and tried to gather enough courage to lighten her voice, 'You know I am not so easy to break'

'God,' he breathed, 'You're the strongest woman I know. The world would sooner crumble to dust than you breaking over that douche.'

Love, HelenaWhere stories live. Discover now