Chapter 8

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"How long is he planning to stay?" Xavier asked. He sat opposite Wren in the back garden. Sharon brought out a tray of tea and sandwiches for the two of them and set it on the little table before she disappeared back inside.

She sighed, "I have no idea, Xav. I don't know what he's trying to achieve."

"I would chance and say that he's trying to make up with the kids. He took them out you say?" He took a sip of tea.

Helena hadn't told him much about what happened that day in the study. She just didn't know how to. Xavier and Zach used to be best friends in high school. When Wren, a year younger than the both of them, moved to their school, she first became friends with Xavier, and eventually started going out with Zach who she met through the man sitting before her. 

She nodded, "For the past week he'd been behaving and acting very patient and doting, offering to hang out with them, cook, help with whatever he could. Ophelia is young, she's easy to make amends to and open up to his sudden warmth. Amber seems glad that he's showing signs of improvement and enthusiasm to get closer to them. Alessandro has been mostly figuring out his internship and minding his own business, being civil to him- and well," Wren sighed, "Lennon flat out ignores him."

Xavier shook his head, "I can see how Lennon would be the hardest to win over. He hinted about it to me earlier."

"Please don't encourage that line of thought of his, though. I barely managed to convince him to go out with them today. I don't know what Zach is planning, but if his intention is to truly make amends, then I will try to help." She rubbed her hands together to warm up.

"Does helping entail you stay out of the picture?" Xavier asked, resting his head on his chin.

"Sometimes, if necessary." Wren picked up her cup of tea.

He sighed, "Then I'm afraid it won't work out, you know that?"

"What?" She furrowed her brows in confusion.

"The only way for Zach to do right by the children is through you. If he never makes amends to you, then trust me, he will never win them over." Xavier explained.

"Then let's hope there are other ways to convince them, because he and I have absolutely nothing to see eye to eye about anymore." Wren said through gritted teeth, looking away to the distance.

Xavier knew for sure that day he last came over that something happened between Helena and Zach, and not the good type. He could read it in her eyes that she was on the brink of tipping over and breaking down, even when she smiled and acted like nothing was wrong. Those few moments she'd been left with Zach, he must've done or said something utterly irreversible, judging from her words.

"What did happened that day, Wren?" He asked straightforwardly.

"Nothing, Xav... It does not matter now." She said evasively.

"I beg to differ, love," He replied tenderly, taking her hand as she met his eyes, "If it brought you to tears then it's not nothing. And I hope to whatever higher power that he'll be far away when I find out because I'm not leaving a bone intact on his body when I'm done with him."

Her eyes widened and she squeezed his hand, "Xav! You will do no such thing. Am I clear?"

"It depends on what you tell me." Xavier challenged.

"Then that's more the reason why you shouldn't be told a thing." She replied stubbornly.

Xavier huffed reluctantly, "Okay... Just tell me Helen, please."

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